Blogging with anxiety; Posts Paranoïa

Good morning!

I’ve come to the realization that thoses little panics might more be related to having anxiety instead of the whole “being a blogger” experience. But I wanted to share my little stressing bits about my postings overall and see if it’s more common that I might think!

Disclaimer; i’m not only using “Paranoïa” here simply because it fits and sounds good – i’m using this word because once i’m in that state, I need to check my blog over and over and over and over again until I need to pull myself out and force myself to do something else to let my mind drift off it and let go.


We can technically devide this with before, during and after – as it’s not one thing specifically that rise a little anxiety, but a multitude of different things.. and of course, it’s not *always* the case everyday; as who would wanna keep blogging if it was only stressing yourself, right?


The « Before writting »

✦ This is the “getting ideas for posts” part.. Sometimes i’m having many written downs, most times I don’t.

✦ I like to think on my ideas and see if I somewhat know what I wanna say about it, sometimes I write a chunck of it in my head first. Then I wonder if I have enough to say, if it would be interesting for people to read and of course I need to double check onto my blog’s categories to see if I had written a post aout said idea before, because I don’t wanna look like i’m repeating myself, and can’t tell if that’s brand new idea or not xd


The « During writting »

✦ Again, the existential question as i’m writting as if I have enough to say and if people would find it interesting. Depending on the wordcounts, might stress about it being too short — as i’m mostly good to do longer ones.

Reread the posts a few time make sure I didn’t missed anything, and if what i’m trying to say is going through and make sense; aswell as double-check the post’s settings atleast twice; specially to make sure it’s going live on the correct day.


The « After writting »

✦ This is the major one i’m having trouble with – because the last two is mainly around the time you are writting posts, which is only 3x a week for me. (and honestly, now that I wrote it, the before and during feel a bit normal/less bad — but idk what’s anxiety-based and what’s normal anymore 🙈)

If I have scheduled posts already, and specially the day before it goes live, I need to double-check my “Scheduled posts” tab to make sure they are indeed there, and that they’re gonna post on the correct day. Usually I need to make sure more than once.

At the end of the month is where the paranoïa stands. I go through my “Blog’s Planning” Bujo page, and I look at what’s published to make sure all was posted and I didn’t missed any, checking the scheduled tab once again if there’s still some on standby — and obsessively look at it over and over like 3 to 5 times, until I make myself snap and stop doing it.


I feel like there’s might be more.. but I can’t think of anything else currently, and let it be said, most of the times it does involves double-triple checking everything to be extra sure all is fine.

Do you relate to this post- are you stressing about thoses too?
Is there anything else that I didn’t mention that you find particularly stressful?


  1. There was a point in time where I would almost obsess over my posts — planning, writing, drafting, previewing and over previewing, and then finally posting. I think my biggest part where I worry constantly and stress over is the preview process. I don’t know how it works on WordPress but on Blogger, you can preview your posts before you post. And that’s where I overanalyze because I want it to be perfect. And sometimes I don’t post or scrap the whole thing because I’m so upset over one or two things that arent perfect. But I think I’m in a place now in my blogging journey where I dont worry about everything. If it’s not perfect, it’s ok. At least it’s mine. I hope you find your peace within your process too. <3 🙂

    1. Oh yes you can do that on wordpress too… and I preview it like 5times before posting too x) though my issue is with the spacing ahah

      aww, it’s wonderful that you’ve reached this point! 💕 I hope I’d eventually reached it too

  2. I mostly write without thinking about it because writing comes more naturally than me to speaking so via words I can witter on forever. I know some people worry about their posts being too short or too light hearted but I love a shorter or more fun post from time to time!

    1. I think it’s definately good to alternate between long and short- but somehow posts under ~300words still stress me out ahaha.

      That’s something I love about writting, depending on the topic, I can just let my brain go free with my hand following the train of my thoughts. Feels so liberating!!

    1. yep that’s me too.. Because i’ve been so tired with work and all lately, I push my writting of posts until the day before — and of course I have no idea what to write it on STILL 🤦🏽‍♀️ Or maybe I do have an idea.. but not the confidence of how to write it and if people would even wanna read it..

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