Blogging with anxiety; the fear of losing posts
Hello, here we are again with this serie!
As i’ve been on a scheduling posts strike, i’ve been especially dealing with the fear of losing a scheduled or draft post.. as we know technology is great and all- but sometimes it does bug out and do wierd things 😅
Check out the other things i’ve covered in this little serie
I can consider myself lucky that this honestly never happened to me so far; however I do know that it can happens.. which is part of why I can’t seem to keep things in my drafts too long — more than half of the month and it starts to run out on my nerves.
I’d usually only put things in my draft that are un-finished; like posts that I started and I know that I need to come modify in the next few days before it goes live, like my monthly wrap ups; i’d start them WAY too earlier, and putting it there kind of reminds me I need to touch it up before it launchs.
As for actually scheduling posts; Idk how people can plan months in advances 🥲  not only don’t I have the imagination/planification needed for that, but I’m also on constant edge where I need to keep checking almost everyday that all my posts are indeed in the scheduling safely; or to check what’s left in it to make sure i’m okay posting wise.
My maximum seems to be 5 so far; about 2weeks of contents is plenty for me while giving me a little wiggling room in case my mood go sour (Specially if you think February is the worst seasonal depression wise) — I’d very much like to keep atleast 3 at all times so I don’t have to play catch up again.
Do you also struggle with this little fear?
Has it ever happened to you before?
As someone who deals with anxiety and panic attacks too, I know where you’re coming from. I don’t plan my posts ahead anymore because if I can’t create ahead, then I’ll feel like a failure. So I plan posts based on my desire to put them out so it’s less pressure on me.
When I was moving from Blogspot to WordPress, I was so afraid that my posts wouldn’t transfer over. Majority of them did, and I still deleted almost half of my old content lol. Also I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my blogging friends and WPBEGINNER. They made the process easier.
Omg yes.. the only thing I couldnt entirely transfer over had been media for some reason?? Still did it like twice or three time, so some things ended up doubled ahah 😅
Ahhh I see, yes i do feel like that too.. but on the counter part I like sticking to my schedule so I tryna work some in advance 😅
It’s always good to be safe lol especially with transfers. And if anything, I try to post at least once a week, just to keep a schedule going.
As long as you’re happy with it!