Books that i’ve read before and would love to own!

Good morning!

As I love to reread my books, there’s only a few of them that I borrowed from someone or the library — To be honest it is quite a good option to try out different things you’re not sure if you’re gonna enjoy or not; so if you don’t like it it’s no big deal, right?

And then for some reason I don’t buy them.. as I prefer to buy ones I don’t already know and sounds interesting (ironic, eh? xd) ; But I think they’d be great christmas gifts as I know already that I love them and wanna reread them!


1- SuperMarket, Bobby Hall [Goodreads]
That book I had borrowed from Alex at the time we were together; Logic having made a huge positive impact on his life, he wanted to buy his book aswell in order to support him. As of which he wanted me to read too because well, he loved it so much (and me having a book blog and all, I suppose xd).

I wasn’t too sure about it at the start, but decided to anyway because I loved him. Turned out I actually really loved it and I constantly think about this book — In fact, a book i’ve read recently made me think of it.. and I would really love to reread it now knowing the “twist” and see if my views change things.


2- All the Bright Places, Jennifer Niven [Goodreads]
That was the first physical book i’ve loaned from my local library; I had heard all the hype around it, positive and negative, and I gotta say I was quite curious. The rest is now history as I did talked about Finch quite a whole lot over here 😂

This is the only book on the list that i’ve thought of buying last time I went to my bookstore.. but they only had the mini format and erm.. that wasn’t the copy that I wanted.


3- Letters to the Lost, Brigid Kemmerer [Goodreads]
Another one I’ve loaned the library after hearing the hype! Hit me right in the feels and I just have a mighty NEED — without saying that the cover is pretty gorgeous too, in my opinion.



Now tell me..

  • Are you like me and enjoy owning your books for reread purpose? or just for collecting, even?
  • Would you rather someone gift you a book you read already and loved, OR a brand new book that might not be for you?
  • What would be the books on your list?


  1. I think I prefer new books to be gifted to me, but, I will say that I just unloaded a lot of historical fiction/chick lit/contemporary adult novels to the charity shop today because I realized, they’re all at the library and I need the shelf space at home lol so I can loan them and read them and return them lol

    1. Fair enough!
      My only concern is that if one was to gift me a new book, is that it may not be within my preference you know? xD It’s different if I give them a specific title or if, say, they were to consult my virtual wanna read shelf on Goodread… but just wing it and buy me a random book? I’d be kinda scared ahah

    1. I should’ve !
      Though I think it’s a bit too late for this year, ahah 🙈 I didn’t clued in to ask for them early enough ahaha now ithink most of the gifts are done already. (mom was saying only one left so far)

  2. I am, for sure, a collector. I buy 10x more books than I read usually! LOL but I do borrow audiobooks from the library!

    1. It just feels good to be surrounded in books, eh? 😅 doesn’t quite feel the same with ebooks and audio, haha

  3. Next year I plan to sort my own bookshelves and only keep books that I will reread or that are meaningful for me. I want to donate the rest of them either to charity or the library.

    As long as I get an amazing book, I am happy with either as a present. A lot of my friends buy me books from second-hand shops because they can find some unique books that are hard to find in bookstores.

    1. That’s a good plan! In fact, I did mine not that long ago when I moved my bookshelf – I gave the huge bunch to a thift shop, ithink? the smaller amounts I get to bring to work in our free little library 😅

      I’m jelly! Our second-hand shops only carry too-adult or too-broken books 😓 I found one without even a front cover !! completely torn apart. (lots of bibles and cookbooks too xd)

  4. Ooooh, yes!! I remember reading Adam Silvera’s They Both Die at the End from the library and as soon as I finished it, I added it to my Book Depository wishlist to buy!!

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