I heart character ~ A mental case

I heart character ~ A mental case

Heya !

Again a few days late, that’s just how we are gonna roll here ahah ~ So i’ve been so pumped for this one !! I had been thinking of what I was gonna say about him and had just been so eager to do this one in general ; so without further ado, here’s my mental case character.


What’s this meme ?

I Heart Characters! is a weekly meme hosted by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer to showcase our book blogger love for characters! Each week she’ll supply a topic and you’ll supply the character. Post on whatever day suits you, about characters from whatever media you love (books, movies, K-dramas, television, manga, anime, webtoons, whatever!) and link up on Thursday so YOU and others can blog hop and share the character love. ♡


Upon seeing this prompt the first time I just KNEW instantly who I was gonna pick. Since then it had been a waiting game and trying not to pass over the date .. ahah (that would’ve been unfortunate!)

This was one of thoses books I heard alot of and wasn’t sure if I wanted to buy it or not,.. so I borrowed it from my library ! unfortunately with that .. this is the only picture I got from the book 😔 I’d definately wanna buy my own copy at some point to reread it at my heart’s content !


Have you guessed who it is, yet ?

.. it’s Finch from all the bright places by Jennifer Niven !!


«Listen, I’m the freak. I’m the weirdo. I’m the troublemaker. I start fights. I let people down. Don’t make Finch mad, whatever you do. Oh, there he goes again, in one of his moods. Moody Finch. Angry Finch. Unpredictable Finch. Crazy Finch. But I’m not a compilation of symptoms. Not a casualty of shitty parents and an even shittier chemical makeup. Not a problem. Not a diagnosis. Not an illness. Not something to be rescued. I’m a person. »


This book, and thus this character in particular is quite an hit or miss. You either love or despise it, I find. In some people’s eyes, Finch isn’t a good bipolar rep; and it’s not to me to agree or not as i’m not bipolar.. however, one’s experience isn’t always the same as the next guy’s, you know what I mean ? What can be seen as bad for some, might be the reality of another.

Finch has grew on me and gained my heart by the end of the novel, and made me cry and mourn on his loss for days. Finch always knew it was gonna end that way, and though he loved Violet with all he had .. it still did. But along the way, he gave his Violet the will to continue, and to see the world in a better light.


He couldn’t be saved, but he saved Violet’s life instead. This book is full of quotes I adores, most of which will probably has been said by Finch himself. I look to him onto having had lots of wisdom within; Also maybe, having just a little bit of my depression self in how he was thinking.



Have you read this book ? What is your thoughts on Finch?