Both or neither* book tag !

Both or neither* book tag !


Yep, we are starting June with a tag, why not ! I actually got tagged in so. many. things. lately 😂 I easily have a handful to pick from..

But anyway, Today I was tagged by Dani @ perspectiveofawriter.. in what I’ll call a both or neither tag aswell as eeerh.. idk what to call it ⚡ In fact, she jammed “The Cramm awards” and “This or that” into one and only tag !

Go check her answers, and she kindly provided the “empty” questions for us to copy/paste if you wanna do it 🙂 Might I say now that per usual I’m tagging all of you !!! (if you want, ofc)

The Rules

  • Mention the creators: The Cramm of the Cramm Awards. And Anita from Discovering Your Happiness, of the This or That Tag as a way to get to know bloggers’ preferences.
  • Thank and link back to the person who nominated you so they can read your answers.
  • Answer the Questions.
  • Nominate 10+ bloggers. With the Cramm Award include a fun challenge question.


The Cramm Award;

Share three things that motivate you to blog.

The loving community, that feeling of doing something productive and not like losing my time 😂 & my friends (yes. that’s different.)

Share three people who inspire you to blog.

Lauren (Northenplunders), Evelina (Avalinahsbooks) and Marie (drizzlesandhurricanes) 💗

Share one thing you hope to do that will improve the world.

People stop to judge other’s reading choice !!! dguwyihfjsl so what if we wanna read (or even play) childish things at 20/30 ? to hell with it 😂

Challenge question. Who is your favorite character and why?

aaarrrh … really ?! o.o Who do I choose .. I may need further thinking on this one..

Edit; actually, you know what ?? I’m pretty obsessed with reid from The Art of French Kissing (even if he was asshole-y in the start) or Sam from Heavenward .. I’m still head over heels for them both upon finishing their respective books.


This or That Tag;

Dog or Cat?

Wiener dog, specially.

Netflix or YouTube?

Youtube, as I don’t have Netflix xD though i’m not as often on it as I was before

Phone Call or Text?


Toast or Eggs?

Toasts.. i’ll eat them, but i’m actually not a fan of eggs..

Cardio or Weights? 

fff… neither. If I really HAVE to, though, I’ll take weights.

Facebook or Twitter?

I’m actually more on facebook.. I have a group full of Dachshunds parents on it and yeah.. I play Shop Heroes aswell xD most of the times.

Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone?

Ice creeeam !!! I absolutely LOVE “moon mist” flavor.

Mobile Games or Console Games?

I’m a nintendo gal, Console.

While walking: Music or Podcasts?

Easy, I don’t typically listen to podcasts – so, music.

iOS or Android?


Cake or Pie?

 Both?! I’ll take the cake though..

Swimming or Sunbathing?

 Swimming, too much sun makes my skin reddish spotted..

Big Party or Small Gathering?

 If do good, I wouldn’t mind a big party .. but never went to one. so small gathering it is.

New Clothes or New Phone?

 Clothes ; my phone’s still good.

Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?

 Loyal. I don’t care of the rest..

Football or Basketball?

 Eeeh.. not into sport

Nice Car or Nice Home Interior?

 Home interior; chance are i’ll be in more often than the other xD

What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?

 We have a machine for doing both.. Hah ! Though.. I don’t mind doing the dishes

Jogging or Hiking?

Hiking ? Atleast you can have your own rythm, eh x)

Bath or Shower?

 Shower; it’s quicker

Sneakers or Sandals?


Glasses or Contacts?

I’m actually good with my glasses.. I tried contacts, and while it’s real nice, I’m too lazy for that .. ahah

Hamburger or Taco?

I’ve never .. had tacos .. so ehh.. *shrugs*

Couch or Recliner?


Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store?

In a store; with work, it’s the only reasons I come out ahah soo..

Receive: Email or Letter?

gneh, letters always has that special feeling to it

Passenger or Driver?

I STILL ain’t able to drive, though I like passenger as I can game and stuff still x)

Tablet or Computer?

Computer; don’t own a tablet

Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny?

While intelligent is a good thing … sometimes it’s boresome or snobbish; so I think i’ll go with funny.

Car or Truck?

Car, weeins would be tight in a truck

Blue or Red?

Blue, I guess..

Money or Free Time?

Free time !! I want it all to blog/game/read.. ahah

Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?

Not a fan of beaches, actually.

At a movie: Candy or Popcorn?

We take both, but I like the popcorn better

Pen or Pencil?

I used to be all pencil, but since then moved to pens

Toilet paper: Over or Under?

under. Im short okay xD it’s just easier

Cups in the cupboard: Right Side Up or Up Side Down?

upside down, idk .. always had it like that

Pancake or Waffle?

pancakes !! though Cora’s banana & caramel waffle is a FAVE. so good, plus homemade caramel !!

Coke or Pepsi?

Pepsi – though I can  have both

Coffee Cup or Thermos?

I like cups.

Blinds or Curtain?

eh. don’t matter. sometimes I don’t even close them xD i’m not bothered, worst case I’ll put my head under the blankets.

Train or Plane?

Never tried.. but as a clostrophobic, iknow planes can trigger it. and a panic in the middle of the air.. yeah no.

Phone or Tablet?

Phone.. still no tablet xD

Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee?

Hot. Apart of frappuccinos or ice cappucino; iced tea or coffee actually makes me gag; I cant do it.

Meat or Vegetables?

Vegetables ? I’m not a fan of red meat.. I’ll eat some once in a while, but I could do without

International Vacation or a New TV?

Though choice .. I could do both

Save or Spend?

Save, I usually feel bad about spending; specially on myself

Honesty or Other’s Feelings?

kind of both.. but honesty. I just cannot live with it

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee !! No effect on my body, but im thoses wierdos who *actually* like the taste of it

TV or Book?

really ? 😂 i’ll let you guess..

Movie at Home or Movie at the Theater?

Home, people in theater can be a pain

Ocean or Mountains?

Ocean, without a doubt 🌊

Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?

eh, both. dont matter

City or Countryside?

smoll city x)

Winter or Summer?

neither. Autumn.

Mac or PC?

Mac; i’m team apple

Console Gaming or PC Gaming?

As said above; console ! Only sims & the few I have on steam is my exeption of all nintendo consoles.

Soup or Sandwich?

my stomach don’t like soup x)

Card Game or Board Game?

boardgame !! if you’d know how many different monopoly I have.. ahah

Camping or Binge Watching Shows at Home?

I can like camping. Though I like to stay home too ahah

Working Alone or Working in a Team?

Alone is always preffered. less of a hassle, as a “general rule”.

Dine In or Delivery?

Delivery, F it.

Sweater or Hoodie?

Both ; depend if I work or not.

Motorcycle or Bicycle?

I’d take a moto,, thatd be cool

Book or eBook?

As I like to read in bed, ebooks are generally more handy. again, Im lazy okay xD I dont wanna get back up..

When sleeping: Fan or No Fan?

NO FAN. absolutely not. Light don’t bother me, but I absolutely cannot find sleep with air brushing my skin .. plus it raises my allergies..

TV Shows or Movies?

Tv shows.