Category: Bookish

Your first “review request” ⭐️

As a book blogger, we always remember what book was our first that we received from an author. Sure websites like Netgalley, Eldewiss and Booksiren is nice; but there’s nothing quite like the excitement we get when an author take the time to reach out to you and offer a ….

Indigo Chapters Book Haul !

Hello ! So, I finally got the chance to use the $50 giftcard I’ve got for christmas ! When you work 3-9pm.. you don’t quite have the time 😅 and if it wasn’t for mom pulling me out, I would’ve taken way more time too ! hah.. The major problem when ….

My opinion on; reading reviews !

Good Morning ! Haven’t we talked about reviews on here before ? Yes we did ! However, if we recall, it was about my #UnpopularOpinions about writing them.. Not really about reading them 😉 Which is exactly what I wanna converse more in dept with y’all today !

Fireside Favorites / Best reads of 2018 !

“Favourite reads of 2018 that I recommend picking up to pass the time whilst snuggled in with a hot coco next to the fire.” I have read some wonderful books this year! However; my best reads is not necessarely thoses with the best star-rating, but rather thoses who have stuck ….

Dear Santa …🎁

Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year and all I want for Christmas this year are books….  So I usually ask for Indigo Chapters gift cards, because it’s so much easier to buy it myself than get books you haven’t really wanted, right? I had put giftcards on my list ….

Is horror books not for me?

Good morning ! If you remember correctly, while in #blogoween I had done a similar post before; However i’d want to come back to this as upon posting the first one I didn’t had read any of that genre – while now I did ! So let’s converse about horror books, ….

My favorite dog breed in books; Dachshunds 🐶

As you surely must know, as per my blog name, my favorite breed is dachshunds. Gotta love thoses long little body with tiny leggies and stubborn as all hell, am I right? 😂 So today, I wanted to share with you some books that have dachshunds in them !!! So ….

Grimoires’ Notes (Oct tbr part 2)

Happy sunday, everyone ! In case you haven’t seen my part 1 – please do go follow the link to give you an idea of what my tbr for October was, in the date of the end of September. Today’s post is now Lauren’s last blogoween prompt, which is of ….

Blogoween tbr !! (Oct. tbr part 1)

Heey guys !! October is so close I can smell it, and with it – so is blogoween !! aaah !! are you in yet? 😏 because you should. With it being so soon now, I was thinking I shall give you my “To be read” for this event and thus, the month ….