Category: Bookish

Why do I love rereading books?

rereading books; some like it, while some don’t. We will have many different point of view on this, and many different opinions. Which all of them are totally fine. If you’ve been here for a while already, you’d know it’s something I actually love to do and that I have ….

” Old ” books i’d love to reread !

Heey ! As most of you know already, I have been a reader since as far as I can remember ; as I was introduced to this lovely hobby of ours in my very young days. Therefore, my shelves have LOTS (though way less than i’d like ahah) of books I once read, ….

Fantasy; a new love?

Good morning! You may look at this and think; «What? I thought you were not into the fantasy reading !!», which is true, but lately i’ve found myself loving the fantasy genre i’ve been having two review requests for and *gasp* both of them were part of a serie !! ….

Buddy reads – Yay or Nay ?

Buddy read ; the act of reading a book simultaneously as one or more other person. A deadline might be placed to have read a specific part of the book by that date so discussion can take place.   Heey guys ! Have you ever buddy read with someone else before ? I did ….

Falling in love; What if it were like in books?

Okay- this might sound a bit wrong; Of course reality isn’t like in books .. Or can it be ? .. Mom was telling me how when you finds “The One”, you just know. Something is clicking and it’s like you’ve found the other part of yourself; may it be ….

bookish dreams ..? ☁

Heey ! yeps, been a while since I had a converse post going on, eh ? I always.. ain’t we’re just suppose to be unable to read in dreams or something ? because eh, yeah, I totally can 😂 I’ve actually never heard anyone talking about that – so here what’s this is ….

Book hangovers; A good thing??

Book hangover; A state where the reader is still hooked to previous finished book (world, characters, etc.). The reader cannot “cope” with said book ending and it may feel like torture to not have more to read from said book.    Sounds harsh, eh ? Have you ever got thoses before ? ….

Converse post; Poetry 💋

Heey !! Yees… iknow, iknow, i’m late as poetry month already passed us 😂 I’ve never read a poetry book (somehow..) before and as I finished my “YA fantasy” now, I shall be moving on with a poetry book for my next review request – thus where the idea of this come from ! ….

The difference in Tbr(s)

First, let’s qualify what a tbr is; it stands for “to be read”, and is used by book bloggers to describe the pile of books that waits to be read by them (or to fall and crush said blogger *aherm*) It may only be me, but I noticed there might be differents ….

My reader’s confessions ..

Heelloo my lovely peeps !! 😘 I think I saw a few of my friends do something similar (?) but basically, i’m just gonna list for you all my confessions about the “Do’s or don’ts” about our bookcommunity that applies to me and how I am reading my books. Make sense ? ….