Chronicles of an insomniac

Chronicles of an insomniac

Now that my work days shall be more constant, I’ve been meaning to try to get myself to stick to a schedule — getting to sleep around maybe 1am at worst, so I can wake up around 830/9am to enable me to shower, maybe do so yoga, etc. before having to leave for work at 12;30pm.

The problem is how to get myself to follow that.. When I was thinking of it, I thought it’d be as simple as taking melatonin caplets daily at the same hour until I get the roll of it. Sadly for me, while it might helps for maybe two days… my body becomes “immune” to it and fails to help me.

👎🏼 Culprit #1; Heat

As we keep having +20 degrees on days, the nights are still warm enough that it’s a struggle.. I’m someone who need to have a blanket on me no matter how warm, and I hate having a fan on me 😅 Not only does it add some troubles of falling asleep, the fan alse peaks my allergies up.


👎🏼 Culprit #2; Daytime naps

If you ask my mother, this is why I’m unable to sleep at night.. but it’s still happening on days where i’ve been working and NOT have taken any naps so 🤷🏽‍♀️


👎🏼 Culprit #3; My brain

This is the most difficult one to “fix”.. some days my brain gets the inability to shut up for me to sleep — for the most part, it just keeps going on and on and goes up to write a whole post in my head from start to finish; but it can also be ranting about some random thing i’ve seen and make up a whole story.


Even when I had been exercising daily, the problem remained.. and reading before bed doesn’t really tire me either; if I read fantasy, it’s actually doing the opposite where my brain keeps reeling over what might happen next.


If you had a similar problem, any tips on what helped you?