January ‘24 Wrap up ❄️

January ‘24 Wrap up ❄️

Good morning!

The “trial month” of the year has came to an end.. time to get our ducks in a row now! 🙈


January’s feels;

I feel like winter months are the slowest to pass.. This month I spent it working, going to the vet every week for Kafei’s injections and gaming 🙈 While i’ve gotten my head blank for blogging, I had a really good reading month- I even hit a new reccord!


What I read this month;

Can you believe i’ve read SIX books ?! My hit had been no more than 5, usually ranging around 4.

Destination Extreme; North Brother / Most Bizarre True Crime stories ever told / Under the Surface / I work at a public library /La nuit de ta disparition / Full moon coffee shop

What we watched;

Mauvais Joueur (S1), currently watching the trust (S1)


January’s Highlights;

♥︎ As I’ve mentionned, my brain hit a blank this month 🤣 However I just missed one post! Apart of my reviews, First Lines Fridays, Randomizing my TBR & Top 5 Tuesdays, i’ve posted: Small actions that help our planetLast gaming obsession; Coral Island2025 Reading goals.

♥︎ On the gaming front, I’ve been switching constantly between Coral Island Prison Architect, gaming solely on my new steamdeck that i’ve got for Christmas.



February bujo pages

In this post instead ❄️



What are you planning for this year?

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