Do you wander in other niches while bloghopping?

Do you wander in other niches while bloghopping?

Good morning!

As we all know, bloghopping (aka going and commenting on other’s blog) is not only a great way to interact and make some friends, but is also great to bring on more people onto our own blogs.

As book bloggers, sometimes it seems like we all have our own “clique” of people we really interact a lot more with, and I was actually curious to know if others rambled onto other blogs that’s not within our book blogging community or if that was just me.


Although I started purely as a book-content only, I can now say that i’m more of a “multi-niches” blog; as I’ve evolved onto not only posting bookish content, but also some gaming, mental health, blogging, and touching anything else that I might wanna talk about with off-topic contents. However, I still am in three book blogging community’s discord groups; and I still feel like i’m very much part of the community.. although I pour some other things in along with my books ahah.


In the same train of thoughts, my wordpress feed also contains other things than bookish material, such as : Mental health, “General” blogging, Lifestyle, Gaming, Bullet journals.. even one mainly with animals-related tips!

I basically follow any blogs that the content looks interesting to me and that I love how the blogger(s) writes. They might be multi-niches blogs sprinkled with books like mine is, or just purely of other topics without any books added in the mix.


While I’d comment on thoses blogs too, and sometimes wander to discover even more blogs; the ones that really know who I am and know my blog would of course be the book blogging community x) Just because i’m here more often and like I said, I’m in various discords with them — so many of thoses I do consider my friends and talk to everyday (or almost everyday).



Do you comment on book blogs only ?
What other topics are you interested to, apart of books?

13 thoughts on “Do you wander in other niches while bloghopping?

  1. To be honest, I stay within my nische, but I mix both Dutch and English blogs. However, the comment rate within the Dutch community is very low, so I barely invest time in commenting on those blogs.

    However, I tend to click on blog posts with either books I read myself, or books that are on my TBR or spark my interest somehow. I’m not one to check a review for a book or genre I don’t want to read. Poetry or non-fiction for example.

    1. Yeah im the same with book review; I rarely even read thoses 😅 only if I’ve been wanting to read it OR i’ve read it and wanna see their thoughts on it .. otherwise I won’t read it.

      Now i wonder if there’s a french blog community… mixing the two sounds like the way to go

  2. My wordpress feed is built a lot like yours ! It’s not centered on one niche specifically, although there are a lot of book blogs. I also follow some more general “lifestyle” bloggers, some blogs that talk about nutrition, bullet journaling… I add blogs to follow whenever I discover a new interest or a new blog on something I like, and I try to blog-hop every week and comment on a couple of posts regardless of whether they’re from book blogs or not 😊

    1. Rather than weekly, I try to do a couple everyday; but same! I mainly use either my wordpress feed or bloglovin’ — sometimes I even just click on thoses shared on twitter that looks good (so even if I didn’t followed prior).

    1. That’s interesting.. anything in particular that makes you hold back a comment? Shyness of the other blogger to be rude/don’t answer or just.. not knowing what to say?

  3. I blog about lots of different topics to and also like to follow many different types of blogs. On Feedly I sort them into categories like “books”, “writing”, “lifestyle”, “health & beauty”, “parenting”, etc. Taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge every year is always a good way to discover new blogs in areas I wouldn’t have necessarily sought out.

    1. ah that’s a good idea! I don’t know if I can sort them on bloglovin’ as that’s whta I personally use..

  4. I do visit blogs from different niches quite often. Also I drop my comments there if I have something to add. It is a great way to generate traffic towards your blog especially when you are just starting out. This strategy works always. At least it worked for me 🙂

    1. Definately! that is a great way to make friends AND have more views, that is when it is a genuine comment and not a blend “hey go check my blog!” .. thoses are never fun xd

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