Does a blogger own writtings interest you?

Does a blogger own writtings interest you?

Good morning !

So, this question actually turned quite alot in my head .. Although it is true that it’s my blog and thus I can basically post whatever I want – but you know, it’s one thing to post it, but it’s another for them to be seen and liked xD Rather than just being there and ignored..

So my question is this;

Does a blogger’s own writting/rambling posts interest you ? 


I posted one like that before, if we remember correctly. (Let me go back and try to find it, for I honestly forgot which one it is.. ahaha oops!) — and i’ve seen some bloggers do post their own poetry / short stories.

However, the way I’d intend to do this would be different .. you see, I did write some poetry in my youth, but my writtings would be more some kind of “My opinion on (..)” / “late nights ramblings”. I’m the kind of person to just get inspired in the middle of the night, and absolutely CAN’T sleep unless I get it out and write them 😂


Sometimes, just writting them in a notebook is enough, while sometimes you might wanna *get* some exterior imput you know.. have someone else read you and have some conversation about it; for they might bring stuff to the table you didn’t even thought of!

I don’t know for sure if i’d wanna do it or not, as I don’t really have a “constant” in this, but it has been hapening quite a lot recently xd I’ve been curious nonetheless to know what you guys thought on this!

If it can give you guys an idea, some of the things that “obsessed” me enough to ramble write about in the last couple of days has been things like love being a choice rather than a solely a feeling & being worthy of getting help with depression.


〉Is someone “personal writing” interesting to you? 
〉Are you attracted by certain things in particular?
〉If it were to show up on my blog .. would you read them ?
〉Do you think they should be treated as “real post” or more like an add-on on non-posting days ? 

12 thoughts on “Does a blogger own writtings interest you?

  1. I would love to read this!! Discussion / rambling / thought vomit posts really interest me as I like to understand people’s view points on particular matters. It helps to understand motivations and have empathy for other people!

    1. Yep, I agree! It can be interesting to see what kind of thoughts someone is having.

  2. I would love to read your own opinions and thoughts on topics. It gets boring sometimes to read just reviews of the same books on various blogs and so a rambling kind of post will be sort of new and refreshing.

    1. Yep.. I definately noticed 🙈 sometimes you get a bunch of reviews in a row on the same book – as of which i’m not too too fond of reading reviews to start with..
      Thank you for your thoughts xx

  3. Oh I’m ALL for these kind of posts on book blogs and I’d love to read them on your blog for sure 🙂 I always find it so interesting to read different kind of posts and to discover a blogger’s unique writing, too <3

    1. Ahh wow i’m pleased by how much responded affirmative 🥰 Thank you! I had in mind it may not be so interesting? Ahahha probably because i’m the one writting them xD

  4. I’d be interested in reading your other writings! I’ve thought that a lot recently about posting my own poetry but don’t know how to work it in. So I look forward to seeing whatever you decide to post!

    1. Thank you!
      Yeah, especially if you’re like me and like to put « intros » on your post.. it’s like how do I do this. Personally I think i’d just throw whatever writing i’m doing and THEN have what I would’ve put as « intro »

  5. Yes, definitely! I would love to read midnight thoughts and other rambling posts and/or stories!
    I think it would perfectly with your blog as well.
    I’m still too scared to post things like that (I’m still too chicken to post lots of discussion posts, too) but I’d love to read yours ☺️

    1. Aww thank you !
      That’s so easy for me, as i’m quite an oversharer ahaha … 🙊 You should try it sometimes ! I swear it isn’t as frightening as it seems, and people are usually quite friendly 🙂

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