End of January, Start of February !

End of January, Start of February !

We are already at the end of the first month of 2019 !

I gotta say .. compared to December, January was kinda “merh” on my side 🙊  so i’m kinda happy this month is coming to an end (though a rather good one for reading, nonetheless!) and February is bringing quite a few events for us aswell, that we’ll discuss later :3

Habit tracker ;

Clearly, it wasn’t a good month to walk with all the storms/cold and ice.. neither myself nor the weeins wanted to go out xD apart of that, I think I did pretty good ! Reading some Fantasy in english is making it harder for me to read in daytime, as of course I need to concentrate more, but as you can see i’m nonetheless doing progress for that !


January’s events ;

Firstly, go peak at my “update post” I’ve done on the 13th to have a little look onto what happened on the start of my month.

❤︎ I just finished reading my 4th book !! A new record for me, As I never went beyond 3 a month in the last year 😄 I’ve finished 3 tomes out of 9 of “Le journal d’Aurélie Laflamme”, and also the poetry book “Witchcraft & Monsters” that I had gotten out of Netgalley.

❤︎ Winter seems to wanna hit us all at once .. we’ve been having snowstorm after snowstorm, and two mixed with rain/hail which made the roads supper slippery and dangerous. Dad was saying how it’s not a law to have winter tires here (Iknow!) and it was taking him an hour to get to work after said storms because after a red light, people without winter tire would stay stuck and couldn’t get driving on the green light, for the ice “trapped” them 😂

❤︎ I had a  … *aherm* Television accident .. I decided to used super long glued-on nails as I had a two days off, and the next day mom wanted me to help her lift the television she had sold and bring it in the living room .. yeah, bad idea 🙃

I lift it fine, but I wanted to sit it and my hand kinda.. slipped. I’ll just let you imagine what happened to my nails .. two of them removed themselves fine while the third one decided to bring my real nail with it xd So we finally got into the ER to hopefully get them to pull nail out, waiting 8HOURS in the waiting room to finally have the Dr say “Oh, we’ll just tape it and you’ll be fine, wait that it fall itself and it’d grow back” 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was not really impressed.. worst part; Of course it was my right hand and i’m a righty!

Here’s how said nail’s look, 12 days after it happened. The fingernail finally got out and we need to wait that it grow back! Note that the bubbles actually is air filled

❤︎ At work, it’s still somewhat chaotic but i’m finally onto the daytime shifts !! Hopefully i’ll stay on them from now on (We know only 2 weeks in advance), and that myself and Alex will finally get to see eachother way more with thoses ! However … yikes, we start at 630am 😅 Definately quite the change from my months on 230/3pm, though I have a few 1-9s aswell.

❤︎ Also! In case you haven’t noticed yet, the blog got a little bit of a makeover 😘 Posts now have a header picture, I switched the blog’s header aswell as the menu bar and widget bar ~ I’d love to hear your thoughts on it !


This month’s posts showcase ;

Please know there was alot more posts that I adored this month! But we’re only gonna mention a few here as we will be still reading this tomorrow 😅

❤︎ Clo @ Book Dragon wrote quite some amazing posts this month ! My faves were: 5 things book dragons do before leaving, the basics of book blogging & Why she schedules so much.

❤︎ Shruti @ This is Lit gave us quite the handy post with what to do when a Netgalley title get archived before you load it.

❤︎ Sophie @ Beware the reader gave us quite a different top 5 tuesdays posts with her Top 5 reasons why she loves reading. Posts like this are why I love her and her blog so much!

❤︎ Ruthsic @ YA on my mind is implementing a new posts series on her blog called “Shouting from the shelftops”, and I SO love that concept!

❤︎ Austine @ Novel Knight posted what her blog in 2019 should look like, and I gotta say, I loved how heartfelt this post was. She’s talking the real talk here and setting a nice set of goals that I so wish her to accomplish!

❤︎ Becky @ Uptown Oracle was also one of my fave blogger this month ! Besides all of her “Blogging 101” about SEO, My faves were All roads lead to coffee and How to beat procrastination.


New month, new pages !

For february, I got out the flashy pens (pink) !! And i’m happy to report they do not leave “runny marks” as much as my metalic ones did. I also added a little space for “Review Requests/Netgalley” reads’ deadlines, although I do am technically on break, I do have a Blog Tour coming for “The blood Prince” by Josie Jaffrey, eek !! 👏🏼


Pretty much same here, but I added a “Netflix” row ! Pretty self-explanatory, but I do think they have some good series available and I don’t watch it enough xd So I should invest more into “not-so-binging” series instead of gaming so much *aherm*


So this was supposed to be a flower bouquet.. not quite how I wanted it to turn out but 😂  we are gonna go with it .. I only have one post idea so far, which is my post for the Blood Prince tour on the 21st Feb !!  


Lastly, I finally went ahead and switched my weeks to be from Sunday to Saturday! That’s how my work schedules has always been posted and I gotta say having my weeks from Monday to Sunday was getting kind of confusing xD


I kinda wanna add more monthly pages to my Bujo but alas .. I haven’t got any ideas as of what i’d need for now. Soon i’d be done with this one and can start a new one; This blue Leuchtturm Bujo have maybe two months top remaining!


How has your January been ? Do you have any recommendations as to which pages I don’t have that can be useful ?


30 thoughts on “End of January, Start of February !

    1. Thanks ! It’s a gel pen :p
      I got a huge pack of Metallic/glitters & Neons pens for a couple of bucks at our dollar store ! I just had to have it ahah

      1. That’s amazing! Do you find that some of them smudge loads and take ages too dry? I know I got some and they do that, they smudge so bad😭xo

        1. Urhh yeah ! the metallics did that alot.. that neon still smudged a bit, but way less than the metallics I’d used before !

    1. Finally! ahah hopefully February is better 😅
      it was so painful at first! of course on my good hand so I kept bumping it .. Now it’s just wierd as it’s my “go-to” finger to scratch things ahaha but it doesn’t work as i actually don’t have a nail on it yet xD but no more pain!

  1. X’D I shuddered from the soul outwards about your accident. Also, you shared some amazing blog posts, good choices!! Sounds like you’re really keeping tabs on everything and I hope February is awesome for you!

    1. Thankyou !
      You shouldve seen me while it happened.. I was like uhoh!! then I look at my fingers two had came off and then there was that one where the fake nail was still on. So I knew something was bad..

  2. Omg that is my name and fave blogger in the same sentence?!? Thank you sooo much for liking and sharing my little blog! 💕

    Also good luck for a productive book filled February!!

    1. hehe, of course ! ❤️
      Thank you ! So far I have two Author’s posts; a cover reveal and a blog tour – so, hopefully! :p

  3. Omg the nail incident sounds so painful! I hope it’s better now.

    I’ve been rubbish at blog hopping this past month (that’s why I didn’t notice your new graphics until now 🙈). I’m glad January is over. *sighs*

    1. it was ! though the nail still hasn’t growned yet, it doesn’t hurt – so there’s that !

      ah no worries ! I only changed it at the end of January, like the 27th? xD so it’s just been a couple days ahah — omg yes, same !

  4. Aaaaaah your nail looks so painful! I hope the pain went a way a bit :'(. But amazing that you’ve read more books than usual! It always gives me such a content feeling when that happens 🙂 also.. why does it say sausages in your tracker? (hasn’t had French class in ages sorry)

    1. Oh, it means the same in english xD it’s just how I calls my dogs *aherm* as they’re wiener dogs, ahaha ! I have plenty of variations like that x)
      Yes !! Such a nice feeling, I have exceeded my record!

  5. I hope your nail situation is better now 🙁
    Congrats on reading 4 books 🙂 That’s pretty great. I always love your trackers. And sorry that I haven’t visited your blog in a long time. I have been so bad in blog hopping these past months 🙁 But I loved the new blog look.
    Have a lovely February.

  6. I hope your finger has healed. That’s my biggest fear when it comes to artificial nails but thankfully it hasn’t happened yet.
    I have a weekly self-care page that I put in at the start of the week in my bujo with water intake, self-care goals and reflections.

    1. mainly in that situation, it was mostly the tv’s fault *aherm* if you don’t lift a tv or something as heavy, you should be fine !
      hmmm, that’s interresting !

  7. I can’t imagine the pain you would have went through and I am so sorry that it happened. But also kinda hilarious right? Ok sorry.

    Yay to the new pages on the BuJo and day shift!! I loved how you spoke about your dad and winter. Great post as ever.

  8. awwww, I hope your February goes better and that you’re staying warm! congrats on setting a personal reading record, and your bujo setup looks awesome – yay for pens that don’t run! my monthly setups are pretty minimal too (most of what I write down goes in weekly/daily), but I’ve found that if you need a spread you’ll add it in … no use setting up spreads you aren’t going to get much use out of, though of course they’ll look pretty 😉

  9. Oh damn the nail incident made me wince, I’ve started growing mine back out again since I’ve never had them done with acrylic nails. And probably never will, I hope it grows back alright 🙂

    As for bullet journal pages, something I’ve added in for this month is a “post status tracker” idek what to call it, but basically I’ve drawn boxes and put in the names of the posts I’m putting up in Feb. Then below the title, I’ve written featured image, written, formatted and scheduled. Once I’ve done one of the things for a post, I’ll highlight it. I’m testing it out, just to see if it can help me keep on top, of what posts I’ve written and where each post is at in terms of being ready 🙂

    Thank you so much for sharing my posts! <3 I hope February is a better month for you lovely

    1. So far i have no idea what it’s doing xD ithink its growing back..

      Yeah! That’s my blog planning for me! I fill up what I wanna post on my set days, where i was tagged and what ideas I got that month. I will put what I scheduled in my weekly spread.

      Thank youu ❤️❤️ you aswell xx

  10. You’re so good with the whole bullet journaling <3 It really inspires me! I see a little revamping over on your blog and it's so cute 😀 That nail incident must be painful, I can only imagine! I hope it grows back again and healthier. January seems like it was good for you and I hope Feb would be just as amazing!

    1. Aww thank you very much! I’m trying, ahah ❤️❤️
      It wasn’t so bad on the spot.. but the aching afterward and me keeping bumping it on stuff that was 😓 thanks again! I hope your feb is amazing too 💕

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