End of November, Start of December ✦

Good morning people!

Here it is.. December will start in a few days, so last month of the year AND of the decenie aswell – I might think upon some “10 years” blog posts to do later in December. For now, let’s see what happened in November, shall we ?


Habit Tracker;


While having it like this is a bit trickier to show y’all (I don’t want them to be too huge either — I want them side to side 🤦🏽‍♀️), I actually quite like it drawn like that! As you can see, my blogging duties actually went really good this month.. The only one i’m quite worried about is my exercice [shown as Beach Body]; I need to be more strict about it and try to do it atleast twice a week. As of which I succeeded for two weeks, one I didn’t; and as i’m writing this we are the 26th, so i’m planning to do so tomorrow and onto one of my two days off — so that *may* be bumped to 6 squares by the end of the month.


What happened this month;

✦ I finished only one book this month, Solitaire. Among working and all, my reading kind of hit the road 😂 in the 23days it took me to finish it, I had only spent 14 of them reading.. so yeah.

✦ To my surprise, my library has some 2019 release! so I’m currently reading « A danger to herself and others », from Libby. Although it was released in February and we only recently got it online, it’s still pretty amazing to me that it’s something released this year.

✦ Since my first driving class in-car with the instructor of last month, I drove alot to and from work – aswell as a few times on my days off. I’m pretty good to keep my Km/h around the limit, but I have some trouble turning right (without being too much in the other lane xd), breaking not early enough and turning the steering wheel — but like anything it’d get better with practice, still pretty good for only one month of doing it!

✦ My cold is completely gone and I finally went for my flu shot in the beginning of the month. However, my mental health hasn’t been the greatest this month .. Closing is making me more anxious than the daytime shifts I find, because you’re expected to do so much with only two pairs of hands; aswell as not being able to take a break to eat as there’s so much to do.

✦ I’ve been talking with a new friend all month, and we chilled once together too! He’s working away from Sunday to Friday morning though.. so my Thursday/friday off isn’t the greatest 😅 and sadly I had to cancel one time because of my mental health that wasn’t as good- all I wanted to do that day was gaming while wrapped in some blankets and cry, so erm.. yeah.

My bestfriend also came over and we chilled a bit! In case you don’t remember, we are 3hours of driving away, as I moved in 2009 for my dad’s work. Both of us are pretty much always working, so we can’t really do the trip — plus I always work the weekends when she’s off. She came for a show with her boyfriend, but i’m glad nonetheless that we could have a few hours together to talk!

Coming next month — i’ll attempt participating in Bookending Winter again, though no promises that I will fill the 3posts minimum … we all know how i’m actually not a holiday person *aherm*, but i’m gonna try to think of something! And it’s also my birthday month; your girl is gonna have her quarter of a century at the end of December, two days after christmas 🙃


Loved posts of the month! 

♡ Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books shared 5 lessons she learned in 5 years of Book Blogging

♡ Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts explains why she don’t have a million Goodreads shelves

♡ In the occasion of Pokemon Shield & Sword coming out, Meaghan @ the words gremlin did a Pokémon book recs !


Let’s go onto December;

Went for a darker green & dark silver for this month! Green seemed to be a right fit and I just wanted a color “not too bright, but not too dark”.. so I just settled for this one xd


Changed the layout a bit to keep the “weeins” stuff together, and I also placed when I drive aswell because why not. It’s a bit more easier to track like this than written in the weeklies — Otherwise, this is the same as last month!


I didn’t wanted to do the same “christmas ornament” that I did last year.. so I straight up asked mom to help me pick something to draw 😂 This didn’t *quite* turned out how I’ve wanted.. but I actually like this spread regardless!


Lastly, I originally wasn’t gonna include this one as it’s pretty much the same.. but i’m going to anyway just because i’ve lowered the lines a bit 🙈


How was your November? Anything exciting happened?
Are you excited for the upcoming holidays, or more like “meh” like I do?


  1. Ooooo I’m loving all these spreads Kristina! Yay for making a new friend and seeing an old friend, can’t wait to see what you come up with for BEWinter and hey, don’t worry if you can’t totally no pressure <3

    1. Thanks Clo 😘
      I had an idea for the « end of the century » thing (though it’s not really book related, i’ll probly find one bookish though) — Can I make thoses count, probably eh? 🤔

  2. omg I’ve just bought my bullet journal for next year (first time ever using one AAHHH) so seeing your spreads is so cool! I especially love the blog planning one. What did you think of Solitaire? If you haven’t already (and if you enjoyed Solitaire), you should definitely give Radio Silence a go!

    1. Ahhhh that’s exciting!! I hope you’d love bullet journaling and become one of us !! 😏

      I actually read Radio Silence first! Ahaha though I did loved both, Radio is definately my favorite !

  3. I do keep thinking of participating in some challenges, but I am a mood reader and I know that I would get bored and wander off to read something else. (probably)

    1. Yeps, same 😂 but mostly, If I can read two or three that’s my best… so thoses who need you to read more than that are no good for me because well, I know i’d fail so whats the point?

  4. I love the look of the blog planner, it’s so cute! I hope your last reading month of the year is fantastic and that you hit more of your other goals for December as well!

  5. That’s great that you got to hang out with some friends 🙂 I love the mistletoe look you went with, totally vibing that! Yay to your library getting some 2019 releases! Good luck with the month and don’t hate on yourself for not exercising. If you force it you won’t enjoy it and you’ll just dread it even more. At the same time maybe we can motivate each other coz I’m sucking at sticking to my resolutions.

    1. Thank you 💕
      Yeah haha iknow.. specially on days where i’ve been working 10hrs per exemple, it’s quite normal I don’t get to exercice. It actually go pretty quick when I actually do it ! but it’s the “oomph” needed to do them 😂

      That mistletoe page is absolutely my favorite now ahah

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