Failure of the first TBR of 2023, and setting the Spring ’23 one!

Failure of the first TBR of 2023, and setting the Spring ’23 one!

Good morning,

As always, I theorically have until the 28th to knock maybe one more book off my Winter TBR but guys.. this isn’t going well- so i’m abandonning now 😂 Let’s just create a new TBR from the spring months and move on, shall we..


Winter TBR (post incase you missed it) ;

I finished a grand total of ONE book- “The Christmas murder game“, which was a good one. Then I got into depressive mood and DNFed “F** Eve, mon pere noel s’appelle Adam” .. as it wasn’t fitting to my mood and too light hearted. From that point I just- completely ditched the holiday books xD


Spring TBR ;


As Spring tend to be more rainy, I picked up books that felt like a good fit for LOTS of rainy days – mostly based off the cover, so I might be wrong here

💧 Weather girl, Rachel Lynn Solomon [SG]
💧 No Judgements, Meg Cabot [SG]
💧 My Killer Vacation, Tessa Bailey [SG]
💧 Places We’ve never Been, Kasie West [SG]
💧 The Library of Lost Things, Laura Taylor Namey [SG]



Have you done your Spring TBR?
What mood or theme do you have on yours?

2 thoughts on “Failure of the first TBR of 2023, and setting the Spring ’23 one!

  1. Hope you are feeling better now! I usually dont set TBRs because I am a mood reader. 😅 Keen to read your thoughts on Weather Girl! I want to read it too.

    1. I’ll hopefully read it eventually, ahah 🙈 it got to my shelf!! Just need to pick it up..

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