Falling in love; What if it were like in books?

Okay- this might sound a bit wrong; Of course reality isn’t like in books ..

Or can it be ? ..

Mom was telling me how when you finds “The One”, you just know. Something is clicking and it’s like you’ve found the other part of yourself; may it be one just like you or the total opposite. They like all the things you don’t love about yourself, and makes everything so much « more » — you just feel so much happier and smilier. 


Can reality take the appearence of romance books ?

What would it possibly be like ?


Sure, we might not get the whole “met at work” or “bumped into random good looking stranger” but .. nowadays, multiples ways is possible to meet someone.

I’ll give it to you, something like a dating site/app isn’t the best possible “romantic” way there is to meet someone. but does the way that person comes in your life really matter in the end, If the happy and healthy couple takes the look of a book story? Surely, the path shall be so much more important than the starting point.


There’s just something not quite like with the others; so unlike you, but for some reason you can picture perfect everything. Unlike every other person you would’ve had met, you have no fear.. may it be concerning them leaving you, or how you should act towards them.. it just feels smooth and rarely awkward. Even in cases where you two just met.


Don’t get thoses hope too high though ; like any novel, you will get a “bad part” somewhere on the path. People sometimes get mad and hurt; but it’s just what thoses are, a bad part. Depending on the books you wanna refer to, it usually never end on that. Or if does, it may be for someting better the MC never even considered !



What’s your thoughts, do you think it’s possible?

Anything you’d like to add on this ? Let me know! xx


  1. This is such a nice mix of reality and fiction! I loved this post, Kristina! True, things are defintiely not like in books but I think books are written by people and people are real so there isn’t much of a difference between how fictional characters feel and how we feel in real life. We can land a fairytale or a complicated relationship, it all just depends on our compatibility with the other person or…well, our luck! We aren’t princesses, now are we? 😉

  2. I love this post because we mostly just come across the “reality isn’t like books” and maybe it isn’t but what the hell, it COULD be. Or maybe I’m just delusional but it’s kind of wonderful to have such hopes. <3

    1. It is!
      I’d prefer to be dilusional aswell ahah that kind of feeling CAN happen, though it does need work than just the feeling; which of course they dont tell you that xD

  3. Hahaha your mom is a romantic Kristina! I think yes in the beginning you click but then you have to work for it 😉

    1. Well.. i think you always do – specially in the start where itd be so easy to « whing it » and not settle 😂 but also all is new and you truly have to guess sometimes

  4. I think if you compare books to reality you’d be shocked at how there’s pieces of reality woven into the books, it’s where writers get their ideas from. Speaking as a writer that’s something I know I do. Reality is a beautiful but cruel place but there’s so much to explore in it.

    In terms of love and relationships I think all books take a piece of what it’s really like in a relationship and explores it. I suppose we’re all writers of our own story 🙂

      1. yeah, that’s always annoying when they do that. But I love when authors portray the toxic and abusive side to relationships as they really can be for some people, it really opens your eyes

        1. As long as they say how toxic it is; not as a « omg so cute yallll you wanna have that ».. this is where I have a problem with it

  5. I have to agree about ‘the one’. My story was weird and I met my boyfriend online, without even seeing him. But just the first moment I heard his voice I knew it. Fast forward many years later, and we’re living together. It worked out against the odds. It’s a complicated love story and it could make a good book xD but your mom is right about the feeling. I can’t say if it’s actually “the ONLY one”, maybe it’s more like there are CERTAIN people you just really resonate with. But the thing about the feeling is definitely true!

    And yes, it doesn’t happen to everyone… Probably. Maybe it depends on the person. Or just, I don’t know, luck? Destiny? But yeah. I’ve felt that.

    I agree though that people shouldn’t expect a meeting like that. It doesn’t matter how you meet. Or maybe for some people this meeting never happens. Life is complicated!

    1. Awww !!
      Yep, i technically only saw my boyfriend twice 😂 after the first date sometime I asked him how many he needed to make his decision and he said he could now but more date would secure it. He went to the gym and scared me shitless as he came back with « can I change my mind? » and asked if I wanted to be official with him.

      Usually people I meet online take me a while to settle 🙈 i jump at the contact face/voice.. while to him, it was just natural. And upon seeing him I immediately calmed down.. when I was so anxious before.

      Thank you so much to have shared this with me ❤️

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