First line Friday ⇢ 12/03/22

First line Friday ⇢ 12/03/22

Hello everyone!

This post is coming at you quite late, iknow 😅 Truth is, yesterday I had a bad case of migraine & nausea; so not only did I skip my posting but I also missed work aswell .. I am feeling much better now and since i’ve been wanting to try «First Line Fridays» for a while and we ARE a friday — I decided “Hey why not? 😘”.


First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by @Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines? If you want to make your own post, feel free to use or edit the banner above, and follow the rules below:

  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be your current read or on your TBR) and open to the first page
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first
  • Finally… reveal the book!


In this case, it’s better that I share with you the first little paragraph rather than only the first sentence.. are you ready?


« In my dream, the girl was drifting, far, far below the crashing waves and the cries of the gulls in the cold, sunless depths of the North Sea. Her laughing eyes were white and bloated with salt water; her pale skin was wrinkled; her clothes ripped by jagged rocks and disintegrating into rags. »


Keep scrolling! do you have an idea? 


The book is The Woman in the Cabin 10 ” By Ruth Ware!!

One that I quite liked, like everything that I read from her.. you can see my review here!



Had you guessed right?
Have you read this one yet, if so did you liked it?