Gaming completion check-point; final thoughts on TOTK & My time at portia

Gaming completion check-point; final thoughts on TOTK & My time at portia


My most odd gaming habits is the fact that I don’t usually finish my games.. I play obsessively non-stop for a while, about a little more than halfway and I get drift onto another game that caught my attention-  as of which I end up coming back to it, but usually choose to restart the game. rinse & repeat 😂

Suprisingly, while on vacation I end up finishing not one, but TWO games; quite shocking to me.. so here’s my last thoughts on those !


Zelda; Tears of the Kingdom
(Last gaming obsession post)

This game is the reason why i’m constantly 2 books behind- I completely stopped reading for a whole month! 😆 I quite delayed finishing it because I wasn’t able to “comfortably” beat a greeok.. so Ganondorf would’ve wreck me good. After doing some more collecting I decided it was finally time- and oh BOY did it anger me.

First I wasn’t properly equipped and would’ve needed more sunny food.. BUT what angered me the most was how you couldn’t save ;-; So in order to not lose my progress getting into the abyss to find ganondorf, I needed to keep going. It took me at LEAST 10times until I was able to beat him, he guarded and escaped way too much to my liking.. and oh my fuck there was ANOTHER FIGHT! I kid you not, Three ganondorf phases + one “surprise” one. Thank god the last one didn’t needed any sunny food because I was done for.

Seeing the other champions coming to help us brought tears onto my eyes.. the ending schenematic was lovely, and i’m so sad that we can’t keep Zelda and it restarts back to before we beat him.



My time at Portia
(Last gaming obsession post)

After finishing TOTK, I decided to go back onto this one- and lord and behold I was SO surprise of the ending 😅 The last quest was sooo long and tedious, as the material that I needed to do the item was not easy to obtain- first I had some trouble with the mining, and then it was the cloth 🙈

While the plot of it being the last quest made sense, I was not ready for the game to finish on that- or maybe it was just because of me leaving it so close to the ending without knowing. I liked that tidbit in the credits where they actually tell you your stats; how much mining you did, how many artefact was collected in the museum, etc.



Both games are my favorite type, while the storyline might be over, I can still go back and replay them – Collect the things that I forgot, upgrade my things, etc. I’m devastated that TOTK won’t be getting DLC anytime soon though; I would’ve liked it being longer! A game is never long enough for me, hence why I gravitate towards unending games.


Did you played those, what’s your thoughts?