Graveyard Keeper ☆ My first impressions

Graveyard Keeper ☆ My first impressions

This game is available through Steam or the Switch e-Shop

As a little backstory, I did bought this game when it first launched and was SO EXCITED about it, but turns out it wasn’t working on my mac (although it said it was..) 😂 So I was kind of a bit salty … ahaha and then I got my switch lite and saw it was on the e-shop aswell! So I decided to buy it as i’m pretty much done playing my other two games.

I’m still not 100% sure what i’m doing yet, but that game is SO addicting that’s basically all i’ve been doing in the past two days xd

**All screenshots come from my own gameplay


The game in itself takes so much time – like, you guys know i’m a fan of Zelda (which, ends after you run out of quests/saved the kingdom), but i’m a sucker for non-ending games! Like, there’s so many things you can do and you could basically keep playing for a good amount of time and not run out of stuff to become bored; so that’s a big love from me! Gameplay wise, it’s also pretty close to Stardew Valley; but with a graveyard.

The map is just SO BIG!! And there’s two/three different areas I don’t have access to yet; which can be pretty time consuming to travel into in the beggining .. until you get into opening the different paths that create little shortcuts.

Something that bothers me a little is that you don’t have a list of goals.. it’s all on the “known NPG’s” where it lists what they asked you to do under them..

The orange dots under the Character’s names are the things asked; and the circle over their heads is the “day” on which they shows up.

∇ As you unlock more blueprints and more stuff you can craft, you have more stations that you need to craft them. Different areas have different “building stations”; The church, The cemetary, The Morgue, your backyard, etc. You can choose to build it yourself or buy them from marchants in town… but if you ask me it’s always better to craft them because i’m still low on money xd

The look of my current backyard!

∇ Along with “preparing” the bodies and put them in the cemetory or crematorium, one of your goal is also to make said cemetary and church more developped so you can have more power as a Graveyard Keeper/Church clerk.

How my cemetary looks like! As you can see on the upper right corner, I’m at 24 “skulls” while I need to be at 30 for the next upgrade.

∇ Along with Crafting, running the cemetary/church/morgue and gathering some things for the townspeople; you can fish, farm, mine, there’s a little “dungeon” available later (that basically works like the mines in Stardew), Forage around your lands/town..

To help you with all the tasks above (and the lack of energy/time to do it all at once), you can create ZOMBIES!! (Haven’t attempted it myself though)


Although there’s a few things here and there that i’m kind of erh about (like fishing.. that’s worst than in stardew, though similar), it’s overall a highly enjoyable game to me! The graphics aren’t super duper fancy, but honestly it doesn’t bother me at all and I love how you have lots to do but so little time — so that way i’m sure to be entertained for a good while!


Have you played this game – if so, do you have any tips for me?
If not; do you wanna play it, now?

6 thoughts on “Graveyard Keeper ☆ My first impressions

    1. That’s exactly what it is!! Though there is some farming involved because at some point you kind of have to in order to pay the body-bringing donkey 😂

    1. Im so addicted to it 😂 such a « simple » do stuff & push boutons game but- I’ve been literally playing for hours in a row 🙃

  1. I finally got time to catch up on blog posts and I’m so excited that you posted a review about this!!! It looks incredibly fun and little spooky, I might have to get it over winter break and play it.

    1. Yeess !! I’ve been literally been playing that non-stop ahaha (with some sims 4- because University just launched)

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