International Bookworm meme – Week nine (?), Bookish superpowers

International Bookworm meme – Week nine (?), Bookish superpowers

Hello all !

I somehow went into a panic as last week as I mistakenly thought it was May 19th instead of May 26th.. (How did I .. ?! No idea 😂)

And If you paid attention to the prompt page, I actually inspired this question !! yaay !! 💗 I’ll try to give my best answer, and not let you all down, ahah


What is it exactly ?

  • We have a discord group of internationnal bloggers; all of us being, you would guess it, in other places in the world other than US. (let me know if you wanna join, i’ll point you to the person to contact)
  • Ayla, from Books and Babbles, decided upon creating a meme for us to participate in and see our point of view for each prompt that you can check on her blog following the link I included.
  • Point to this is to support fellow internationnal bloggers, like us, and she will link each of our post in her original post under the right prompt so it’s all in one place and easy to track !

** Sadly, if you didn’t knew, this meme will get discontinued (for the time being) As our lovely host will be going back to college ; and thus will need this time to concentrate on her studies. **


From what I read ;

I always finds thoses questions to be hard.. as i’m not a fantasy person. I tend to purpusly avoid that genre for years as I wasn’t sure my brain would be following – but I did read one !! Heavenward, by Olga Gibbs 

Just like the angels in the book; I always had wished at some points to have pretty wings and be able to fly with them .. you just have to agree this would be so much easier to travel xD Though… i’m not sure if it wouldn’t be tiresome.. mmh.


From what I didn’t read ;

Of course, flying isn’t the only thing I would had wished for.. I have a few more things, actually, but as said above – I haven’t read anything with thoses so far. I still just wanted to include it.

~ Witch ;  Potions and spells always called for me (although you’d know im not interrested in Harry Potter .. Ironically.) And I’d very much like to be part of this lifestyle !! In case you didn’t knew, some people do some form of witchcraft in real life – I tried myself for a while .. but I just, Idk.. I’d need more practice and that ..

~ Mermaid ; Is it a superpower ? well, let me include it anyway xD fun fact; when I was a child I used to “play mermaid” in our pool or bathtub, and then i’d go in my room and recitate a “spell” (which was some biblical little cards from my grandma) to go back to normal 😂 Needless to say, they always attracted me, and yes !! I do need to read some of thoses soon !!

~ Last one.. would probably be the ability to disapear whenever I wanted. Bad day ? cast invisibility. Something you don’t wanna be caught doing? Cast invisibility. Don’t want someone to see you ? Cast invisibility !! How handy would that be, honestly ? ahah, and beside, I do feel invisible sometimes so herm. would be need to actually be able to be. 


Hopefully you’d have liked my answers and it was up to your expectations 💜


What bookish superpowers would YOU like to have ? Are we twinning with some of thoses ? let me know ! xx