International Bookworm Meme – Week six, Dream Library

International Bookworm Meme – Week six, Dream Library

Helloo !

As you should have noticed with the title, it’s yet again the time for our biweekly international meme ! 😄 This prompt shall be quite interresting to read all the other’s as it is what our dream library would be like !


What is it exactly ?

  • We have a discord group of internationnal bloggers; all of us being, you would guess it, in other places in the world other than US. (let me know if you wanna join, i’ll point you to the person to contact)
  • Ayla, from Books and Babbles, decided upon creating a meme for us to participate in and see our point of view for each prompt that you can check on her blog following the link I included.
  • Point to this is to support fellow internationnal bloggers, like us, and she will link each of our post in her original post under the right prompt so it’s all in one place and easy to track !

rather than going for library as in terms of “public space”, i’m gonna talk about it as a private library kind of thing in my own house; as honestly I always dreamt of that one and .. I haven’t really thought of what I would like for a public space, to be honest with you.


That being said, here’s what i’d want if I could get a “big enough house” all to myself in the future;


Of course, i’d like a whole room dedicated to my beloved books. Shelves on all walls except one; as it would had one of thoses big windows that have a kind of bench you can sit on “inside” ? I still don’t know how thoses are supposed to be called.. *aherm* hopefully you’ll get what I mean.

✮ As my heart belong to the sea, the view’s from that window will be looking from a cliff to the sea, maybe a waterfall or something alike. I haven’t thought of what precisely, but something ocean-related; as I wanna open my window a tad to sea air and seagull flying. Everything just seems better when I am surrounded by ocean air.

✮ Aside from the windowsil’s bench, which will be covered by blankets and pillows so I can get comfortable, My room will also have a seat hooked from the ceiling that I can rock in with a good old footlamp beside it so I can read comfy when the sun ain’t out anymore. As you know how I love reading in the middle of the night. heheh.

✮ Plants !! Okay, I don’t have much of thoses for now .. but I do wanna have plants hooked from the ceilings, somes on the floor, decorative flowers on the shelves… souvenirs/pictures on some of the shelves aswell … Just some things for my room to feel cosy, peaceful and welcoming. Probably having a “fake” electric fireplace somewhere, nothing that could set my books on fire, dear god, but something to keep myself lit & heated. (im cold pretty often .. which oppose my love of the sea air, eh ? xD )

Finally, i’d like my desk to be inside aswell. a “blogging corner” with my computer, another tiny lamp, stationnaries (Bujo included, pens ..) and a comfortable seat for me to sit while bloghopping, write posts or reviews.. etc. and just because I want that to be MY heaven room, no one can really enter apart of the weeins heheh .. sure you can come browse and pick something off my shelves to borrow (english and french books would be displayed) or read/chill with me if you like; but as I need quiet, you will be kicked off if you try to speak to me too much while trying to read 😂


Hopefully you’ll get a nice image of what I was trying to imagine, as I know this isn’t one of my strenght there .. ahah I’m struggling with the “image” of where everything would be precisely but I have a few criterias I would love to have, as you can see.


What do you think of my room ? Anything you would like to add ?
What would yours look like if you had the chance to ?