International Bookworm meme – Week one; To be translated

International Bookworm meme – Week one; To be translated

Hello, people !!

I know I don’t usually post on saturdays, but this year (atleast until march) I’ll post one every two weeks on saturdays to follow Books and Babbles internationnal Bookworm meme ! 😄


What is it exactly ?

  • We have a discord group of internationnal bloggers; all of us being, you would guess it, in other places in the world other than US. (let me know if you wanna join, i’ll point you to the person to contact)
  • Ayla, from Books and Babbles, decided upon creating a meme for us to participate in and see our point of view for each prompt that you can check on her blog following the link I included.
  • Point to this is to support fellow internationnal bloggers, like us, and she will link each of our post in her original post under the right prompt so it’s all in one place and easy to track !

This week, the prompt for us to post on is “To be translated”.

As you might know, I read all of my books in french. So this week’s topic will be really easy for me ! hahah the entierity of books I would really like to be translated in my language can pretty much be seen in my “virtual want to read” on my goodreads, I included the link if you’d be interrested into looking more into it, but for this post I’ll only stick to one book in particular.


So, the one I’d like to read the most is..
*drum roll, please*


Eliza & her monsters ! by Francesca Zappia









picture was taken from it’s goodread’s page.


I saw alot of positive comments about this one, and having anxiety and depression myself, This is one of the books I wanna read so badly !! Also I think i’d see myself alot in Eliza (minus the popularity and still being in school.. haha)


If internationnal, Are you participating in this meme?
If not, What would be one of the books you would like to see translated or published by a local publisher ?
let me know ! xx