Is everyone but me a fan of fantasy in this community?

Is everyone but me a fan of fantasy in this community?

Good morning!

It seems that most, if not all of my following are reading fantasy; you see it everywhere in “Can’t wait fridays”, “WWWednesdays”, hauls and generally everywhere else in every one’s blog. However, I seem to be one of the only few that aren’t a fan of that genre..


Why don’t I read fantasy?

First- ithink it’s important to explain why I don’t read fantasy. While it is technically a choice, I feel like it’s something I can’t help either.. which really sucks. It seems that after a specially bad MH episode quite some years ago now, I lost the brain power to imagine or be creative; although I remember not being too much of thoses to begin with, it had significantly diminished to barely anything.

Has I had always been a reader since very young, I was devastated to not being able to finish a book anymore.. without them even being fantasy. This is where the community came along, I created this blog to help me in my journey of regaining my love of reading — which it worked! While I was unable to read my goal of 10books in 2017, I’ve succeeded & went beyond my reading goal in 2021; having read 23 books out of my 20 so far, with 3 months to go still.

This is such a great improvement since we started, it’s my pride and joy! However.. I’m not ready to try the fantasy genre- mainly as it’s a fear of mine to not being able to finish them. And iknow that’s not gonna be something i’d be okay with, even if it’s nothing that I can control, and seeing how greatly i’ve gone better in the past years.. Truthfully, I don’t know if i’d even gain that brain power to be able to read them; they are simply too complex for me.


While it’s somewhat common to see people nowadays not being into romance, classics, historical or even of YA books– Fantasy can overlap with remotely anything, as of which can still be found in bloggers that are specialised in posting about only one genre.

Seeing some tags questions, or even all the hyped books being mainly fantasy nowadays, I do sometimes feel like a bad blogger for being unable to read them.. is anyone out there feeling like this too?

Despite knowing there must be some “easier” fantasy books out there, that aren’t too complex while still being apart of fantasy.. I just don’t know what to look for now where to go. Should I try middle grades fantasy? Is there a specific sub-genre that is easier on the brain power? So far i’ve only ever been able to read 2 fantasy books (The sovereign & the celestial creatures serie) – and even when I can technically read them, I do so in such a long time.. Though it’s true i’m quite the slow reader, the process of reading them is even slower! as I do need to reread some things to be able to grasp the meaning of the words sometimes, and that’s yet another thing that can make me feel bad about myself as a book blogger.



What do you think- do you read fantasy?
Have you ever crossed bloggers who don’t read them aswell??

6 thoughts on “Is everyone but me a fan of fantasy in this community?

  1. You’re so right, it sometimes feels like everyone is just reading fantasy! It used to be my go to genre, but I read a lot less of it now as my taste has changed.

    There are books out there with just a hint of magic if you wanted to try them out, but remember everyone having different tastes is what makes discussing books interesting. And you’ll have a lot more fun just reading what you fancy 😊

    1. Thank you ❤️
      While things like views and this is not what matters and that I should focus on- it still get to me at times 😅 but you’re so right. It’s our diversity that makes all the charm of everyone!

    1. Oh! That’s interresting, is there something in particular that drift you away or you were just in the mood for something else?

  2. I often feel a little lost when I see other bloggers making posts that are all about fantasy books. I’m very picky with fantasy because I get confused easily when there’s a ton of worldbuilding but I do still like seeing what fantasy books people recommend because they may interest me when I’m in the mood for it 🙂

    1. Yes!! That’s my problem too- have you found any that wasn’t too confusing for you so far?

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