Is horror books not for me?

Good morning !

If you remember correctly, while in #blogoween I had done a similar post before; However i’d want to come back to this as upon posting the first one I didn’t had read any of that genre – while now I did !

So let’s converse about horror books, and if I think it’s a genre I wanna read more of.


Firstly, how I saw the “horror” genre as a whole was mainly a book who’s supposed to have me scared. Anything with a spooky vibe that has me at the end of my seat – with most likely something paranormal going on..

However, with the three books that I’ve tried … I got more of a “gore-y” type of horror. After much consideration, I suppose this genre of books shall correlate with the horror movie umbrella: some gore, paranormal, or even more parody-like.


I’m not sure if I just hasn’t got lucky in my choice of horror books, but I got quite the deception .. One I had DNF, while the other two got 3/3.5 stars – none of them scared me at all; I felt the spooky atmosphere at time but that was it. I even jumped the “YA” gate, thinking “ah well maybe this shall be easier..” but nope. I just expected more.

Was it because two of them fell under the “historical” genre too, which you’d know isn’t something I fancy? All three of the books attracted me as it implied a haunted house; which I just LOVE thoses ghost stories, specially if it’s real experiences.


  • «The general theory of haunting», which was 6 people stuck in a haunted manor because of a snowstorm, having “wierd” stuff happening.
  • «The house by the cemetary», which is about a real haunted house by a cemetary that the county decide they shall turn into an October haunting house attraction.
  • «Fountain Dead», about a teenager’s family moving in a new house, which turns out to be haunted. Past & present events all having connexions within each other.


Some of thoses was also confusing me with time-jumping all the time, along with english words too ahead in level for me to understand. I expected more spookyness, more “unspoken” creatures.. something !

I think the fact that dragged me down the most is that the description looked nice ! It implied something I KNOW I love .. and it completely turned in a bad way. Three out of three – I want to tell myself it was really just bad luck of my part, but also kind of wanna leave that genre alone and never go back ..


Now let’s talk !;

° Are you an horror book lover, or more “eh” about it?
° Do most horror books falls on horror as they are gore?
° Basing yourself on my goodread and reviews, do you have a rec for me of something i’d have a good chance of enjoying ?


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