Keeping your old journals?

Keeping your old journals?

Good morning!

As you know, I finished my very first Bullet Journal.. and then a question came into my mind, which will be the conversation today!


What do you do when you finish Bujos/journals ?
Do you keep them, do you throw them?


I usually keep them, as one thing i’ve developed to use them (as early as my agendas in high school days) is to write things about my day rather than just what I need to do an appointments; as I don’t usually have alot of thoses..

thus, I don’t really wanna throw them away in fear I might wanna re-flip in them and see what I had done in the past, or look back at my blog planning pages for what i’ve done/things I got tagged in/past ideas and etc..

I’ve also kept notebooks where i’d used to write rambling into when I was in a really bad state of depression, which when I flip through it, i’m quite amazed by how low I was and how much i’ve changed. Sure, I do remember this part of my life, but i’m frankly so surprised how better everything seems to be, you know?

The con of this though, is space… Keeping them all in the bookshelf might take some space you’d need for other books, though you could also fill them in a box and shove it in the closet or something 😂😂  Maybe do a “time capsule” and bury it somewhere? (I’ve always wanted to do that since i’ve watch crosswords with britney spears!! But oh god id forget that ahah)


What do you do with them ?

13 thoughts on “Keeping your old journals?

  1. I have a bed from Ikea that has storage underneath it. My 20 million journals live under there.

    If anyone reading this thinks “Great idea!” and heads off to Ikea, PLEASE take my advice and pay extra for them to send someone to your home to assemble it. Unless you or someone you know has mad handyman skill sets and power tools or really strong hands.

    I’ve assembled 5 Billy bookcases myself, with a friend, but the storage bed was a whole other level. We gave up after staying up all night and getting nowhere and had Ikea send a father-son team out. They brought their own tools and hardware with them but even they were cursing by the time all was said and done.

    1. ahaha yep, furniture set up can be quite tedious eh xD

      Not, it is a good idea- I had one of thoses when I was younger ! idk if they do it for double beds however… which with the weeins and Alex we definately need like a Queen size xD smoll dogs but they take quite the place, im telling you ..

  2. I’m like you! I definitely want to keep them, I sometimes flip through mine to see how I managed dark times back then, but I have a bookcase where I can double stack, so two stacks of books in front of eachother, and I (thankfully) always have enough space. Is there anywhere other than your bookcase where you can store them?

    1. Ohh that’s wonderful!

      Yeah, i ended up putting it beside my magasines and other papeteries under my « bujo / mac area » (wouldn’t really call that a desk.. ahah)

  3. I keep all my journals even if I’ve just written one thought in it I need to keep it because what if I need it??😂 but literally I have 5 black full journals from my very depressed days and I think it’s important to keep stuff like that, I love flicking through it and knowing I got from there to here, and if I did it before I can do it again and again! As for the other stuff I say keep (u never know when you’ll need your weekly plan from 2016😉)

  4. I keep them all too. Might want to look back and remember important things one day! It can be a pain space wise though for sure 🙂

  5. I get rid of my diaries when I finish them, but, I might want to keep a BUJO for points of reference at the very least! I say keep them and just buy more shelves 😉

  6. I don’t bullet journal but I write in regular journals and I still keep all of them from when I was younger to today. There are some things you can’t say out loud and want to write them down somewhere safe.

    1. yep, I totally agree with that !
      and sometimes, it’s nice to go peak at what you went through, isn’t it ?

  7. I also keep all my old journals, from school planners to bujos to “diary” type logs – I have a line of “magazine holders” in my closet holding them all sorted by year and notebook type. and since it’s not practical to carry them all with me even though I like looking over old spreads and entries for inspiration, when I finish a journal I go through and photograph all the pages that I think I’ll want to refer to again, then it all goes in a Google Photos album. maybe one day I’ll be able to get rid of the physical clutter too, but for now I do like being able to hold and turn the pages when I’m at home.

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