Let’s talk bookish ➙ Reading goals, worth it?

Good morning, Everyone!

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!

We are a bit later for the week of February 24th, wondering if Reading goals are worth it: how are you feeling about your reading this year? Do you have a yearly reading goal? Do you think that those kinds of goals help you to feel motivated to read more books, or just causes stress? If you set yearly reading goals, when and why did you start setting them? Would you consider reading without aiming for a number? If you don’t set reading goals, why not?


I try to keep my goals easy enough so that I know it’s manageable to achieve them without worrying too much; based off how I did the last year. I also don’t get too many goals at once, and broad enough to be done in multiple ways.

Blogging has helped me with my reading already in multiple of ways, so setting goals for me in a way to keep improving – such as trying to priorize genres that I wouldn’t pick otherwise, and even to reread books, as it had been a struggle those past years though I used to do it alot. It helps me being more mindful of what book I pick based off my moods.


As of right now, i’m not too worried about the number, although storygraph tells me i’m one book behind- as i’m kind of in a low reading mode right now.. and Iknow I have times where I can read up to 4-5 books a month instead of 2, so it’s nothing to worry about yet. Even if i’d end up not achieving the 40 reads that i’ve wanted this year, that’s okay with me, i’ll just try again the next year.

That’s also the reason why I like to note what language & format I read my books in, as i’d like to keep the habit of reading in my French language too.. and having struggled with my reading already in the past, the more important part for me is that I keep reading, no matter what the final numbers end up being.



How do you view your reading goals?

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