Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Non-bookish hobbies

Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Non-bookish hobbies

Good morning guys!

Happy 2024, It has been a hot minute since we partaked in a Let’s talk bookish! Today we have the February 2nd prompt, about non-bookish hobbies; Do most of your hobbies center around books? What do you like to do outside of reading & book blogging? Do some of your non-bookish hobbies relate to your reading?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!


There’s a sea of hobbies that we could choose from, and yet I’m always gravitating toward the same things 😅 I’d be one to think a new hobby cost alot- but when you think about it, all the money that I spent over the years on books, consoles & new games… with the differences that they’ve been ingrained in me for so long that I don’t really see it that way anymore, ahah!


Whenever i’m not working or doing the “usual” daily chores and stuff, you can find me gaming. I mainly game handlehand, on my nintendo switch, or Sims 4 on my mac. The part that slightly bother me is how it is kinda perceived as less of a hobby, especially around adults, when it can help in many different skills such as observation, critical thinking, logical thinking, etc.

I have a hard time realizing everybody’s “normal” isn’t the same as my family – but at the same time, not everybody has a trepident life of hobbies like in movies; before the baby came along, my bestfriend and her boyfriend would spend their evenings watching TV shows and movies aswell!


My concentration span isn’t what it used to be, so my reading mainly takes place before bed/middle of the night. Sometimes I can manage reading a bit on my break at work but the problem is sometimes i’m needed to go help my friend and it pisses me off to leave on anything but a chapter break 😆



What other hobbies do y’all have?

4 thoughts on “Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Non-bookish hobbies

  1. I’m disabled and can’t work so basically I have way more free time than I could ever possibly need which means I have a lot of hobbies.

    Reading was the original hobby and my main one. I love to write too though unfortunately depression has given me writer’s block for many years now.

    Like you I am also into gaming but my anxiety can’t handle anything beyond stuff like Animal Crossing or farming sims that are super peaceful with no combat or monsters or anything like that.

    Recently I have taken up the hobby of adult coloring books because I find they’re very relaxing and I’m otherwise not very artistic (can’t draw, paint, etc).

    I also watch movies and shows but rarely anything new because I’m picky and struggle to find new things that I like. I prefer to stick with what I know and already love.

    If I’m really into a book I’ll spend the whole day reading, if not I’ll do some of the other things listed above. It depends on my mood really.

    1. Those are all nice hobbies! I’m also not artistic much, however I kinda stop adult coloring books- but I do agree they’re relaxing. Especially if you put on some nice music and stay in a bubble!

      I’m sorry to hear mental health gets in the way of your hobbies sometimes too.

      I do enjoy farming sims too- which ones your favorite?

  2. Gaming’s one of my hobbies too! I’ve recently been switching between Animal Crossing: New Horizons and The Sims 4 but I’ve got tons of Switch games that I want to finish too 🙂

    1. Ive desertes my island a bit more this year, though it was still no. 2 of my last year’s most played!

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