Let’s talk bookish ➙ Books on vacation

Good morning, Everyone!
Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!
❀ June 17: Books on Vacation (Fives @ Down the Rabbit Hole)
Prompts: What books do you like to bring on vacation? Do you bring any books at all? What kind of books do you think are good for a vacation? How much time do you usually have to read on vacation? What does an ideal vacation with a book look like?
As i’m usually a slower reader, one-two books max is enough for my whole vacation. If needed, I also have my kindle on my phone, and I usually have a few unread books on it – or I can just buy one.
Romcoms & chick flics are my favorite! Nothing beats a good light & fluffy read for the summer. While I don’t go in vacation too too often, the last time where I went to my ex’s parents house for a week, I brought Meet me in Cockleberry bay with me on my phone to read; which I mainly read in the plane & before going to bed at night as I usually always have so muhc more trouble than anyone else to sleep
Depending on how packed & planned out the vacation is, I can always bet on being able to read on the way there/back and before bed- as i’m usually always the last one to fall asleep 😅 Sometimes I don’t feel like reading much, while some times I might read more and actually finish my book – it all depends.
What sounds absolutely perfect, would be to be able to just relax on a beach or a porch with a good book & a drink and just- relax. The little problem being that if there’s as much as too much noise (kids playing, making conversation, etc.), I’ll completely zone out of my book and can’t concentrate anymore.
How many books do you bring in vacation?
How often do you pick up times to read?
I also usually only make it through one or two books while on vacation… but I like to have plenty of choice, so I usually pack five or six 😛
Eheh fair! Especially if you’re also a mood reader 😜
Like you, I’m a slow reader, especially on holiday. So I only take one book with me and I’m lucky if I get through it all as my little one keeps me super busy lol. I love reading horror/mystery books so that’s what I’ll take with me.
Fair! That’s what I usually do too (minus the little one 😅 ahah I can usually get a break of my two sausages)
Oo yes I do love thoses aswell; currently reading a true crime fiction!