Let’s talk bookish ➙ Buying more books than you can read

Good morning!
Here we come again with another one of these 😄 We are using April 21st’s prompt, about book buying habits, proposed by Laura @ Life Love Read: Do you buy a lot of books? Do you read all of the books you buy right away? Or do you buy more books than you can read? How do you choose which books you buy?
Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!
To be honest, i’ve never put a buying ban restriction on my buyings. When I splurge, I get more books (maybe 5-6 at a time) but I can say that I don’t buy them as often. For some reason I rarely buy ebooks, and I often prefere going in-store VS buying online.. mainly because I want them NOW 😅 considering that I mainly only live between work & home, with the petstore for the babies’ need, that helps ahah
I’m a mood reader, so it depends what I feels like reading at the time- I’ve seen books spending years on my shelf unread to pick up the recent bought book instead. I don’t request ARCs anymore either, so I read more off my shelves and my library’s digital collection. I try to read as much off my shelf as I can before going back to buy some more.
I’m currently standing on 25 unread books, which is quite manageable. While i’ve seen better, I have also seen worst- they’re currently sitting in two squares of my library and i’m working on shrinking it down to one again.
I have over 1000 books on my list of possible wanna reads 😅 So I mainly wanna pick books from there to buy- now it depends on which ones I find first, or what i’m in the mood to read. In a physical store, I’ll start picking books up with which ones Ive seen online.. and then the more I wanna pick down the road, the more I might exchange them to only fit a handful to buy; I might pick up 20 to leave 10 back on the shelves.
I really want to buy more french ones however, so for those sadly I don’t really have much community backup like for the others .. so there it’s just browsing and looking at what might interrest me.
How many books are unread on your shelves?
What make you pick them to purchase?
such a lovely blog
I’m also a mood reader! I need to read something that speaks to me at the time, not something I’ve set myself to read. If I don’t fancy reading it, I probably won’t finish it!
Right, thats what I fear too! And i’m not fond on dnfing stuff 😅
I wonder what non-mood reader feels like! Being able to just read whatever you want ahaah