Let’s talk bookish ➙ Can you predict someone’s genre of choice?

Good morning, Everyone!
Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!
❀ December 2: Can You Predict Someone’s Genre of Choice? (Fives @ Down the Rabbit Hole)
Prompts: What is your favorite genre and why? Is there a reason why those particular genres speak to you or capture your interest? What is your least favorite genre and why? Is the genre the biggest determination of whether you look for and choose a book, or is it something else? Do you find that you are able to predict what kind of genres people like based on their personalities? Do you notice patterns in which kinds of people like certain genres?
The Romance & Thriller genres has been my utmost favorite through the generations; like many other girls growing up, I guess I just had a thing for love stories? it just remained in all my years of reading — there’s nothing better than a good old love story “Love wins in the end” 🥰 I tend to prefer romcoms rather than drama. As for thrillers, it’s something I have in common with my godmother, from whom I got this hobby from.
On the flipside, I absolutely can’t stand anything political such as political thrillers – politicians getting killed is boring to me. Historical isn’t my cup of tea either, especially not in the time of wars, no reason in particular really.. it just don’t speak to me.
Depending on the genre, it might determine if I’d pick up a book or not – Imean, you can read in the description of the book pretty easily if it’s in war-era or political. However what I will stay away from is the fantasy genre. Nothing against the genre in itself, but my brain just can’t process high fantasy settings — it gives me a harder time reading it, and I might not be able to “play it” in my head.
I had actually not giving thoughts onto predicting one’s prefered genre! this is interresting to me, I can’t wait to read others’ imput on this part of the questions.
Can you predict other’s preffered genre? Is that a thing?