Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Do you consider yourself a mood reader?

Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Do you consider yourself a mood reader?

Heey friends!

Today we have August 23rd’s prompt, about mood reading; Do you consider yourself a mood reader? Are you constantly switching books and genres depending on your mood? Or do you always stick to a very specific TBR? If you’re a mood reader, do you ever wish you could better stick to TBRs?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!


I very much consider myself as a mood reader; in fact, it’s hard for me to understand what not being one is like.. 😆 So you can just pick whatever book off your shelf that you want, without the need of feeling it?! Sounds fake but okay.. 

It happened in just a few instance where I picked up books because I know I should finally read them; which thanksfully turned out to be nice books, but that’s not my usual style.


I even go a step further, where i’d crave a specific language to read in. That’s a bit more hard, especially when I crave to read in french but don’t have a nice selection to go with so all of them doesn’t fit the second mood.

Henceforth, instead of monthly TBRs, I find that seasonal ones works better for me. I’d pick 5 books for 3 months- which on good months I could read atleast 9 books in that period, so that leaves me plenty of wiggle rooms to read to my liking! I also try to pick various genres & includes both languages to help me a little.


Last year that gave me quite the problem, as my mood reading got broken and I couldn’t identify what mood I was in to pick books 🥲 Where everything didn’t *quite* felt like it- so I mainly fell into a hole of nonfictions, and especially true crime collections, that I find immensely nicer to read in those instances. Being a mood reader definately feels like a burden at times, sometimes I wish I could just pick a book and read it without needing to be in the “zone”.



Are you mood readers?

11 thoughts on “Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Do you consider yourself a mood reader?

  1. Sometimes I am and sometimes I am not. It depends on my schedule for when books have to be read by and what is happening elsewhere in my life, so essentially, it all fits together.

    1. Oh that sounds fun! Most times if I try to defy the mood I end up reading slower and not so enjoy myself

    1. Yep definately know the struggle 🫣 it’s even worst when they take ages to approve.. which you have forgotten it ahah

  2. I am totally a mood reader! I can’t even read 20 pages from a book I don’t feel like reading!

  3. Oh I find it interesting that you have moods where you want to read in other languages. For me I speak Spanish and French as well except that I never want to read in them and I have to actually convince myself to practice reading in them even though I spoke them well before I knew English. It’s not great 😂I think it’s because it uses more brain power since I don’t speak them on a daily basis anymore. Anyways, great post!

    1. Thank you!
      Ah thats possible. English use more brainpower for me as im french first- but everything just sound so much better in english than in french 🤣

      1. It’s the same for me, I think it’s just because I’m more used to it now but French is beautiful, I don’t want to lose it but I’m certainly way more self-conscious about using it since I got rusty. 😂

        1. Ahah that’s fair! English took me 7yrs to learn 😅 and then I was terrified to speak it- could write and understand fine though! Now iguess I dont have an accent at all as people think im english 🙈

          1. Yeah, I totally understand, it can be scary to put yourself out there trying something new but you did it! haha that’s funny 😂

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