Let’s talk bookish ➙ Holding onto books

Let’s talk bookish ➙ Holding onto books

Good morning!

For some reason I felt like I’ve already talked about today’s topic.. but onto verifying my blog it looks like we didn’t – so here we go! Today we are doing July 21st‘s topic, which is around un-hauling books: Do you always keep your books after you finish reading them? What makes you especially attached to a book? What books are you most likely to get rid of? What books would you never even consider getting rid of? Do you ever give away special books as gifts?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!


As I used to be big on rereading, that is one point that I base my 5-stars reviews on aswell as which books I wanna keep: Would I reread this? For me whenever i’m reading a book I kinda just know instantly what star rating i’d wanna give it (difference between a 4 & a 5? no idea. a feeling.) aswell as if I’d like to keep it.

Pleasant read but no less? eh, chuck it. Unless the cover is remarkably cute, then I might keep it 😅 dissapointing or DNF? chuck it. I like my bookshelves to be full of books, but I don’t wanna keep ALL the books including those that I haven’t enjoyed either.. Sometimes a book might pass the test *for now* and a bit after getting un-hauled in other circumstances – I just unhauled a few French TBRs, because I never really felt strongly about them. I wanted to keep reading in french so much that I kinda forced it and bought them anyway although they weren’t that appealing.


I can remember part of my life memories through medias: video games or even books; picking it up I can remember exactly what was happening when I first read or played it. I remember I had held onto a book before just because it was the last I’d have with my ex – it fell down his stairs, I brought it there, etc.. but the worst is that I didn’t even liked the book! 😂 I finally got rid of it few years ago.


Books that impacted me alot, like Eliza & her monsters, or Radio Silence, or my overly reread Quand souffle le vent du nord (aka Love Virtually) are some that I can’t see myself ever unhauling. My very old edition of my childhood serie Le Journal D’Aurélie Laflamme won’t go either- the very last tome not fitting my 00’s covers slightly piss me off but they’ll stay missmatched. Ofcourse there’s MANY more that I can’t think of right now.



What about you, do you hold onto books?
What’s your unhauling proceedure, if you have one?

4 thoughts on “Let’s talk bookish ➙ Holding onto books

  1. I unhauled some books twice. Once I went to a used bookstore and sold them, and once I gave them away to my local library. My local librarian acted like I was cursing them with a thousand years of bad luck when I went to give them my books, which I was very confused by. I have a very hard time giving books away though. Even if I end up disliking the books, a lot of them have sentimental value attached and there’s always a memory that is attached to them. That’s why I generally don’t unhaul books, which is sad because it would totally make some room in my bookshelves.

    1. What? That’s an odd behavior indeed.. don’t they sell them?! 😳 or even at the very least offer them to the community?

      I usually pass it up to my cousin up the street or ship them for yard sales or something (last one was for a dachshund rescue in a way to get some funds)

      Oh no! 🙈

  2. Interesting. I will also hold on to books I would want to re-read, which is also for becoming more difficult as books on TBR pile up. I will definitely uphaul books I didn’t enjoy, but for me the issue is whether I would rid of these even though they come from an eminent writer and I have other books by them which may make my book collection more complete.

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