Let’s talk Bookish ➙ How do we prioritize books on our TBR?

Let’s talk Bookish ➙ How do we prioritize books on our TBR?

Hello helloo!

We are back again with May 19th‘s prompt, about How do you decide what books to prioritize on your TBR (Jillian @ Jillian the Bookish Butterfly) ; Do you have a lot of books on your TBR (to-be-read) list? Do you always have specific books at the top of that list? Or do you just pick up whatever book you feel like? How do you decided what books to prioritize on your TBR? 

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!


So, I do split my TBR in two – those who are physically on my shelf in my room, and those that i’ve crossed online or elsewhere that might be of interest. I don’t really consider the second one to be part of it as it’s not for sure that i’d pick those up, or that i’d even buy them; it’s just a way for me to keep track of books to keep on the lookout if ever i’m in a mood for them/looking at the book store/etc.

My real TBR is rather small at 24books, I’ve definately seen much bigger! If we count the second one on my lookout, I have 1146.. on it alone. My goal is always to pick on my own as much as I can before I go buy more, Like currently it’s sitting in two squares and i’d like to shrink it back to just one.


I’m a mood reader, so it’s basically free for all 😆 I do try to do a TBR seasonally.. which was going rather good before this year where it kind of went meh. Right now I’m on my 3rd book off of the 5 that I had planned – and I basically haven’t read in more than a week now because all waking moment is claimed for more TOTK..

It happened where I would’ve read something online or in my current book that made a link with another one and have a “Oh! I wanna read this next!” but lately i’m at loss everytime that I finish something .. Having a blank mood that you’re not sure what you’re wanting to read.. or reread in some cases; it’s being quite difficult to pick something this year, hoping it resolve itself soon!

There was a few time  where i’m in a mood for a specific language, in French for exemple, but nothing that I have on my shelf actually FITS the mood 😖 And ofcourse i’m afraid of just picking something i’m not in the mood for and ending up dropping it because I wouldn’t be in it. I wonder what it’s like for non-mood readers to actually be able to do that.. teach me your ways please, ahah! 😅



How do you prioritize what to read next?