Let’s talk Bookish ➙ How stubborn of a reader are you?

Let’s talk Bookish ➙ How stubborn of a reader are you?


Today we’re doing the September 15th prompt, asking about our reading stubborness : How stubborn of a reader are you? How often do you stray from reading books not in your favorite genres? Do you sometimes dabble in genres you usually stay away from? Or do you read any genre, and have no favorites?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!


This year I have made it a resolution to start dabbling in other genres that I don’t usually read – which has been a great success for Non fiction especially! That had been mainly what I picked: collection of true crime, mental health workbook, one abour being Ace and a collection of suspisitions in the world.

I’ve also picked a few horrors, but I seem to have a hard time picking some that I enjoy. Although there’s another one of those French Quebecois serie that seems to be good, this one about forbidden retellings. Though I usually pick romances, I went into more spicy erotic ones that I don’t usually get aswell.

Discovering new genres this year leads me onto more 2,5/ 3 Stars rating, which ithink is pretty normal considering you’re trying new things.


There’s however a few genres that I never intend to pick up; such as classics, historicals and high fantasy that isn’t my cup of tea.



What about you? 

2 thoughts on “Let’s talk Bookish ➙ How stubborn of a reader are you?

  1. Most of the times I’d say “no I’m not into romance books” usually followed up by a “blegh” but now I’ve read a few and do like them! More on the side of contemporary romance books rather than heavy romance/sad romance. I wanna laugh!

    I’ve started to get into some mysteries and I like those.Though I’m finding I prefer YA to Adult – can’t get into most Adult author’s mystery/thriller books.

    But it is really fun to find yourself enjoying new things!

    Do you like horror movies? I’m a big fan so I tend to seek out books that are comped to my favourite movies – Get Out meets xx. Or books that have the same vibes as my favourite – I love slashers and I read There’s No Way I’d Die First by Lisa Springer and it had all the slasher vibes so I was very happy. Also most horror books I tend to prefer in audio format – makes me feel like I’m “watching” a movie even more sort of.

    1. Ohhh yes i need to try them in audio- I do like horror movies, but im more the paranormal part 😅 gimme the ghosts!

      Yess im very much YA contemporary romances aswell, adults seems to have more cheating/divorced and.. im bot about that.

      To me non fiction was mosty biographies boring.. but no! Quite a few more branches and I do enjoy reading those, who wouldve thought!! Good to try atleast once before completely erase it 😉 (however I do have 0 interrest in war/post war old stuff ..)

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