Let’s talk bookish ➙ Reviews & Spoilers before or after reading?

Let’s talk bookish ➙ Reviews & Spoilers before or after reading?

Good morning, Everyone!

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!

This week of the 4th of February is about wether we read reviews and spoilers before or after reading the book: Do you like looking at reviews for books before you read them? Is reading reviews important to you when choosing what books to read next? Or do you prefer to wait until after you’ve read a book to look at reviews? Do you ever look at spoilers before you read a book?


For me it depends – Usually I go to read them after I read the book, so I can compare how I perceived the book VS my friend in the blogosphere. However, as 99% of the books that I add on my list are from fellow bloggers, most time I may have stumbled on it from their reviews.

While it doesn’t really matter if I read it before or after, that’s not really how I choose what to read next, as that’s always based on what mood i’m in at that time aswell as if the description of the book fit said mood. That being said, I mostly always will click to read a review from a book that had already been on my watch of want to read.


Spoilers never bothered me at all, from books to movies or TV shows, sometimes it can even be useful as I have the same problems as the person who pointed them. As we know already, fantasy can gives me a hard time.. so knowing if the story had tricky elements to follow is always something i’d wanna know as I will probably give me a hard time figure out where the story goes.. such as sometimes back-and-forth in the timelines, details that makes no sense or undevelopped, and even too many POVS.

Whenever i’d go to buy more books, that’s things that I’d take into considerations. Maybe the review bump it up on my list so I feel like buying it to read it NOW, or it tells me it might not be a good fit for me currently.. and let’s be real, I have so many books on my list that I mostly forget what’s on it 😂



Do you care of Spoilers?
Are reviews meant to be read before or after reading?

10 thoughts on “Let’s talk bookish ➙ Reviews & Spoilers before or after reading?

  1. I’m glad someone else doesn’t mind spoilers! It drives my husband crazy that I look up spoilers. As for reviews, though, I try not to look at them for books I plan to review myself. I don’t want my opinion to be skewed. Then, I’ll read other reviews after I reviewed the book.

    1. That’s fair- most of the time im not reading said book in any near future so 😂 ill firget

  2. I’m the same in that I usually wait until after I’ve read the book to check out other people’s thoughts, but I’ve also often discovered books through reviews. I’m not too bothered about spoilers though either, although I try to avoid them.

    1. Same! Attracted to the review of unknown book by either the title or the cover- and I end up shoving it on my list xd

  3. I normally end up finding spoilers that make me want to read the book, but at the same time I kind of wish I hadn’t found them so I could fully enjoy the story. I think I used to mostly wait on seeing what other people thought so I could be unbiased in a way?? But ever since certain books were. well. not good. I like to read reviews before, so I can see if I’d likely end up liking the book. Loved your take on this!!

    1. Yeah isee what you mean.. depend on the nature of the spoilers, I feel sometimes it can help me. Like that one time I wouldve had needed a animal death warning 😬 a really guesome one..

      Mostly now im attracted to reviews whenever the cover or title attract me, then I add it- ahah

  4. I hate spoilers except when I need to read a sequel and I forgot everything about the first book!

  5. oooh i usually hate spoilers because they kind of ruin the entirety of the enjoyment AND THAT ANNOYS ME. but i can definitely see how they might actually even be useful like that!!! also yes omg i only buy books after TONS of research because look IF I’M GOING TO HAVE A PHYSICAL COPY THAT I’VE SPENT MONEY ON OCUPYING A SPACE ON THE SHELF I LOVINGLY CALL MY PROUDEST POSSESSION IN LIFE, IT BETTER BE GOOD. so.


    1. YES exactly! We can also just unhaul or sell them iguess but you know.. still a deception in itself

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