Let’s talk bookish ➙ What about booktube?

Good morning!

being a little late as usual, though to be honest i’m way less late than I thought I was x) I had been recently thinking about what I would answer for that one ..


Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion. Where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.



It’s definately a thing where we see quite a lot of bloggers decide to hop on the booktube trend, or even on the “tiktok” bandwagon .. If you look in terms of opportunity, booktubers definately has more in that aspect. Though i’m not looking into landing opportunities, sure free books is fine, but i’m at peace with having branding my blog to more than just a book blog — it’s my home to freepost about whatever interrests me and talk about it with people.

Growing up, I used to follow far more channels on youtube; gamers and lifestyle/makeup channels that my anxiety made me absolutely. need. to watch every videos coming out every day.. and somehow I got out of it. Drifting out of youtube in general for a while, except to watch few music videos, and quite recently going back to it to watch more true crime youtubers now, somehow never even gotten to watching booktube in general – preffering to read blogs at my own pace instead. When watching a video, I need to wander and do other things along it… and I feel it’s a bit harder with booktube.



That aside, would I ever wanna join booktube myself? Not really.. and there’s two aspect as of why;

I’m better at writing. If you didn’t knew already, english is a second language.. and sometimes it’s just so hard for me to find how I wanna formulate things and on rare occasions, I have no idea if what I wrote actually makes any sense.. as it mostly doesn’t in my own head and I need a friend’s perspective. I’m an overthinking at heart, and words come easy to me specially at night – so it’s easy to just speed-write them whenever they strike me (which I can do anywhere); now i’ve never been good at reading off a script.. I need to go on instinct, and well – formulating all that I wouldve had wrote to film on another day because of various reasons would be far too tedious.


Concerns about my appearance. This has to be said, i’m specially struggling with pictures, worst for videos, because i’m not super confident in my appearance. I know i’m not the ugliest – but it needs some preparations.. or a general good feel and nice mood for me to go on a picture-spree. As I don’t really have any schedule for my writing and basically wing it whenever the inspiration takes me (aka writing this in my pajamas with my hair in a mess), it’s an extra step to be able to tell what I’d wanna say- the inspiration of the moment gone..



Do you have a booktube, or do you want to?


    1. Oh yess- i’m prone to rambling too 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️ as long I don’t do like mothers and cut a sentence with another sentences and never finish the former one! Ahahaha

      Plus everytime you try to do something, my female dachshund want the attention and barks at you for the ball 🙃 not sure id pull that off ahaha

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