Mental health & Isolation/Quarantine

Mental health & Isolation/Quarantine

This pandemic can be quite scary, but sometimes what’s inside our head can be even scarier.. and we all know that staying home for social distancing/Isolation or Quarantine will most definately affect us mentally aswell – even if it’s for a “good cause” of not getting sick.

* I’ve recently talked about how the recent events has been treating me here, but i’ve been wanting to talk more specifically about mental health today.


While scrolling onto tunblr late the other night, i’ve stumbled onto this post; which basically says that what we’re all globally experiencing now is quite a traumatic event, thus making it normal that we get stuck into old coping mecanism. Which slapped me right in the face, because since this started, I had the urge to just smoke some weed — something that I hasn’t done in MONTHS since it’s been over with my ex. I’m not a smoker in any way, and I don’t even like the high; so crossing that post made me realized the “why” out of that.


While my currently two coworkers might’ve agreed to keep working for the money or the benefits, my reality is different. Sure, having the money coming to my bank is a good plus; but while I have two immuno-compromised parents at home (don’t worry, like always I talked with my mom with if I shall work or not.. and she knows that I’m one to feel guilty to bail halfway if we aren’t being closed out), I decided to keep going to work because I know I can’t stay at home. I’m good for the first day or two that it takes to sleep my work-exhaustion away but afterward… I just feel terribly worst and lazy and have no idea what to do with myself.

My mom, on the other hand, is more what I’d call the “energetic” kind.. Leaving the house is more dangerous on her, as having gotten a kidney transplant, her anti-rejects is actually killing the function of her body to fight outside’s stuff (like a virus) so it doens’t “kick out” her new kidney. So mainly, only myself and dad go to work (as he work for the grocery store, thus being more essential than I am with my coffee shop) — After some point, mom gets the need to just get out in the car and take a drive somewhere; just to take pictures and not actually get outside the car, just because she can’t stand being inside so much she’s literally almost jumping on the walls.


At first when the lockdown dropped, I’ve got quite a few customers thanking me for having came to work that day to make their coffees; as of which kind of give me quite the “impostor syndrome” every time that I hear it.. Like- Sure our coffee shop serve drinks (well, yeah coffee! but other stuff too) aswell as a few food items .. but we aren’t what we can call “essential”. But as one of them mentionned, we are more like a mental health thing; getting their maybe only outing of the day to get some coffee, or a drink and a sweet.. that can chance quite some things for someone!



I hope the isolation/Social distancing aren’t too hard on you!
Do you have some tips on what can help us during thoses times?

7 thoughts on “Mental health & Isolation/Quarantine

  1. I grok this so hard. I’m tired of being trapped at home. I’m an extreme introvert, and enjoy isolation for the most part. But being unable to leave is now starting to grate on my nerves. I need to *go*.

    Walks around the neighborhood help me. Everyone is still friendly, but we now keep distance instead of coming together to chat if we pass friends while walking. I’ve started to get more invested in my online gaming groups. Anything to feel connected to other people.

    1. Yep I feel that.. i like being home too, but not that we’re obligated? Ive never wanted to be with people more 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

      I actually purchased the nintendo online for the switch.. meeting with friends on our island in new horizon and *do stuff* helped me so much! Im less feeling that void and dread of the evening that J used to.

  2. You know, on the topic of coffee shops not being fully “essential”, I have to agree with your customer on this one : I think it’s more of a mental health thing than a physical necessity.
    I’m used to getting a coffee at my local Tim Hortons in the morning before I go to an early class, or a little bubble tea when I come home once a week, if I’ve had a bad day – it’s my way to cope with stress and exhaustion, and a nice way to bring some joy into my day. It’s been a rough few weeks of self-isolation, and I was definitely not feeling the best ever, so my boyfriend and I managed to order two bubble teas from our local shop, which thankfully wasn’t closed for the deliveries, and it really brightened our day !

    1. aww that’s sweet to hear!
      yeah, now that I think of it, it makes a bit more sense – mental health is still important even with this pandemic going on.. I get some super sweet customer who ask if we can still take tips as we don’t take cash anymore – and say not to worry that they sanitized them for us. Others on the other hand… just saying how stupid it is that we dont take cash and os just plain grumpy. (but that’s always the case, pandemic or not xd).

      Besides, coffee really is a drug. some are truly addicted and will get withdrawals if they don’t get their doses..

  3. I normally love not going out, but now that I can’t I’m suffering. I am immuno-compromised, so thankfully we’re closed to the public but we still go into work. I think it is important we take care of ourselves in whatever way is possible so that we don’t become overwhelmed!

    1. I’m the same way! Never been wanting to actually be with someone and do things more than now.. while actually being kinda sluggish 🙈 wierd how brains work eh..

      We gotta do what we gotta do to keep us somewhat sane.. as long we take the proper precautions needed and are safe.

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