Mini-reviews ☆ A season for second chances, 12 mois sans intérêts & Danger! Femmes en SPM

Good morning!
For no reason at all, I felt like doing a mini-review post with a couple of books; some of them would be french books, as of which i’m thinking in writing my thoughts in French first and have it translated into english under it.
A season for second chances, Jenny bayliss
Goodreads // 5 stars
I loved the atmosphere in this one; especially being from a small coaster town myself. The short chapters were also great for me to read daytime without too much struggling. Except for the cheating husband Max, all the characters were rather lovely, and I had fun following their stories. I quite liked the moment where Annie finally met her landlady’s nephew, hilarious! 😂
(possible spoiler) he randomly bursted into a bookclub meeting.. exactly after they offered Annie her own sextoy, which was hilariously succionned upward on the table among the candles. (end spoiler)
The way Annie & John were so fiesty toward each other and always bickering, despite the Willow Bay community insisting John was a good person, was entertaining and loaded of “enemy to lover” vibes. It also seconded with another of my favorite, the “surely but slowly falling for the ONE character you don’t want/can’t fall for”. And I loved every second of it, gave me all the feels 😍😍
12 mois sans intérêts; Journal d’une depression, Catherine Lepage
Goodreads // 2 stars
C’était un de mes récents achats.. et pour le coup, c’est ma première deception de l’année. Pour des dessins, une phrase par page & environ 5minutes de lecture, le prix était de 25$. Quoique certains était bien, sa manque de contenu.. on ne fait qu’effleurer la depression et c’est fini.
It was one of my recently bought.. and my first let-down of the year. For some drawings, about one sentence per pages & about 5mins of reading, it costed me $25. While some were good, it was missing depth.. we just scraped the subject of depression and that was it.
Danger! Femmes en SPM, Catherine Bourgault
Goodreads // 4 stars
Un plus ancien cette fois-ci, le pauvre devait être dans ma bibliothèque depuis 2-3ans 😬 Quoique je n’ai pas trop comprit le rapport de Simon dans l’histoire, c’était bien rigolo de voir nos quatre amies dans toutes ces péripéties; en partie créer avec leur “chance de merde”, et en partie due a leur SPM.
Finalement, J’ai bien aimée Simon et son entêtement par rapport a Marielle; sa donne espoir en l’amour.. malgrés toute la misère qu’elle lui a donner tout le long du livre, il n’a rien voulu savoir et la désirait tout autant.
An older one this time, this poor book had been on my shelf for what must’ve been 2-3 years 😬 while I didn’t really understood Simon’s place in the story, it was quite funny to see our four friends going through all the twists; in part created by their “shitty luck”, and in another because of their PMS.
In the end, I quite liked Simon’s character and his stubbornness toward Marielle; it gave me some faith in love.. even when she gave him so much shit all throughout the novel, he didn’t cared one bit and was still so desperate to get her.
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