Mini Reviews ☆ Squad & Out of Character

Good Morning!

January wasn’t quite the best month in term of reading, but that’s okay as it’s just the first one of 2024! I noticed lately that I start being “paperback bored” in the middle of regular books, just because I don’t feel like having my light on to read 😅 That’s when I pick up another one on Libby, this time I picked an easy graphic novel, but I could try for an audiobook next time!


Squad, Maggie Tokuda-Hall & Lisa Sterle

Storygraph, 3.5 ⭐️ / 5 stars


I don’t read graphic novels much, but this one had pretty graphics and had a nice story to it. Although it was a horror/thriller story about warewolfs, it wasn’t too gory either; which I do like. Arianna the pack leader was probably my least favorite of the girls; Becca & Marley I loved the best!



Out of Character, Jenna Miller

Storygraph, 5 ⭐️ / 5 stars


This was one of those that I was so hyped about upon release.. and proceed not to read 😅 So glad I finally did, I was hooked from the first pages! I loved the internet relationships she had, especially Rowan; it made me think of my bookish discords’ friends! However, I do think it would’ve been much easier if she would’ve told them about the roleplay sooner.. while I understand her motives and how hurted it made Rowan.


« “No matter what anyone else says, life doesn’t have a set time-line,” Dad said. “Don’t think about how long it’s been. If you want to go, let’s go. If it doesn’t feel right, we’ll go back to the pizza plan, or whatever you want. I’m sure Taylor would understand.” »

« But it’s different for me. My offline life was crum-bling, and I needed somewhere I could breathe. I didn’t want to blend this amazing new thing with the world that constanty reminded me life was disappointing. »

« I didn’t want people asking how my roleplay was going or if I was talking to my nerd friends every time I sent a text. I didn’t want them knowing it was the only thing holding me together most days since my mom had left. And I didn’t want them to accuse me of being addicted when I knew my talk with Mr. Blake had kicked me into gear. »



Have you read these, what did you think?


  1. Graphic novels are great when you don’t feel like a whole long book! It’s funny how we do that, put off books we’re really excited for. It’s for the best though if we’re not quite in the right mood. We need to read it at the right time to get the full enjoyment!

    1. Yes I agree! Forcing ourselves almost always end up in dissapointment 😅 better to wait for it!

      As long as we keep on reading 👏🏼 I love the lightness of graphic novels in a way, a break on the brain

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