My reader’s confessions ..

My reader’s confessions ..

Heelloo my lovely peeps !! 😘

I think I saw a few of my friends do something similar (?) but basically, i’m just gonna list for you all my confessions about the “Do’s or don’ts” about our bookcommunity that applies to me and how I am reading my books.

Make sense ? looks fun? Alright, let’s start !


~ I don’t read reviews before reading a book

A lot of the times, I’m scared that reading reviews before I can get my own idea of it would “ruin” it .. and I know how I seem to always have a “different” view on some books so, I much prefer go check afterward. Kind of to see if somes felt the same way I did.


~ I’ll gladly loan you my books

That is, if I trust you’ll bring it to me in one piece .. and hopefully not take forever to bring it back


~ I prefer buying my books rather than using the library, specially if I like them

not only am I not a fan of deadlines .. but I can do watever with them, you know? If it’s loaned, i’m scared to even just bend a page by mistake xd or dammage the cover somehow


~ I take overly good care of my books .. but im not opposed to eat in them

sometimes you just gotta eat … and might not wanna leave it for the time needed to aliment yourself so.. ; in fact there’s not much I don’t do while eating 😂


~ My shelves looks like a mess…

I totally need a new one, the shelves that actually have books on them are kind of being overrunned with books 😂 so they are not really organized; just made to fit on the shelf, basically.


~ I just cannot write in them.

I know they’re mine so technically nothing is stopping me but I’ve been raised to take proper care of books and not hurt them in any way.. Even my college’s textbook didn’t escaped that rule .. I did write in them on some occasion but I felt really bad still.


~ I don’t own nor read series, aswell as fantasy.


~ I LOVE bookmarks, and actually use them. I will change the bookmark at every new books so I can atleast use most of them xD


~ I’m a big fan of rereading; but understand why other chooses not to.


~ I rarely read in the day now, since I need more silence and concentration, I usually prefer middle of the night’s readings. daytime is spent gaming or blogging most of the time.. *aherm*



Do we have some of thoses in common? Tell me some of yours ! xx