My thoughts on; Among Us
I’m sure you’ve seen the hype around this little game already- it’s quite all over twitter and tumblr lately.
I’m late to the party, as per usual, but “Among us” is this little multiplayer game available on steam & the app store where a bunch of astronaut get on this rocket and one of them is an impostor.
The goal of the crew is to do their task list to win the game and/or expulse all the impostors, while the impostors’ goal is to kill everyone and sabotage — trying to blend in with fake tasks.
This is quite a simple game in concept- and I gotta say that it didn’t looked like much at first.. I really wondered what all that hype was about, so I finally loaded it on my ipad after deleting the game I wasn’t using anymore and found it after some browsing.. so I decided that hey, why not.
The little game has three different maps, and while I played for some time.. i’m still absolutely lost as to where is what so i’m definately wandering around and checking my map trying to find where I do need to go for my tasks. I will agree with the consensus that it IS such an addictive little game- and you can play for however many times you want.
Being a multiplayer game though, having to play online with random people, it can happen that you fall on a gang of absolute morons… or otherwise have a good team where it’s totally fun and you play a couple of games together.
As a crew member;
I love how interactive the tasks are! You don’t just wait for things to be over, it takes the form of little mini games; getting the different colored cords back together, hitting/lighting all the buttons, etc.
As an impostor;
I love the strategy behind it.. when there’s multiple in a game you can team up together. And if you are lucky enough to not be seen killing/exiting the area, you can absolutely slip between the bars and go with the crew’s suspicions and amplify them on another poor crew member xd
It’s also kinda cute how in Every. Game. While in voting time they will communicate who the impostor might be using the color of the user instead of their actual nickname..
Have you went with the hype and tried it yet?
If so, what’s your thoughts on it?
This sounds fun and I must check it out!
When you get a decent team, it’s really fun! I imagine it should be better with friends but alas..