My “wierder” gaming habits 🎮

My “wierder” gaming habits 🎮

Good morning!

Do you remember how many “odd/unusual/wierd” reading habits posts you’ve seen on the blogosphere? Well I was thinking exactly that – but for gaming instead!! 😏 Because why not, eh, let’s have some fun here. Feel free to hop in if you want to!

Disclaimer; what’s “wierd” for me may not be as wierd for you, or vice-versa. Not shaming what is or isn’t here, we’re just having fun! 


1- Replaying.. without ever finishing
I don’t know how many people is actually on my side here.. but it’s like I don’t even wanna finish my games? 😂 For the exception of Breath of the Wild & Ocarina of time, that I finished the whole story and beated ganon twice, I usually play until maybe 3/4th of the games… and then I restart. Over and over again.


2- I can only play ONE game, usually per console, at a time
Nevermind switching cartridges back and forth, because im lazy like that xd (which, now with the eshop I don’t really have an excuse.. but *shh*) — I just get really INTO one game in specific and play the hell out of it, all the time, until my mood shift and goes for another one.

Per exemple; Right now i’m playing Pokemon Sword (switch) & Sims 4 (Mac) .. but i’ve put Graveyard Keeper on the side (switch) to go for pokemon instead
[Am I even making sense?? do anyone do that too??] 


3- I get random urge to play a SPECIFIC moment in a game
I guess this one *could* technically be referred as the “mood reader version 2” of gaming.. and it most definately always fall on a moment of a game i’ve replayed (so like,.. I know what’s coming in the story, of course) but i’m either too far or too early in the game. But the thing is.. I wanna play that RIGHT NOW. No time to wait for me to get there. 🤦🏽‍♀️

This most definately always happens on a specific Zelda dungeon.. and one in the PLAIN MIDDLE of the game; where i’m either at dungeon one or like, five dungeon later xd


4- Getting into “gaming phases” for a specific kind of games
Okay, so this is the “mood reader version 1” referral .. We all know i’m a huge Zelda fan, but i’m a pokemon fan also — but I find it’s not both at the same time?? I can have months where i’m only and solely playing zelda games, not caring for pokemons, and then for another while it would be completely backward.

In case you haven’t noticed, i’m on my pokemon phase right now. Not that I don’t “care” for zeldas anymore; i still think about playing breath of the wild daily.. but it kind of has taken the backseat for now as my brain gush about pokemons, until the day where it decide that it’s time for Zelda games to take the weels. This one I actually started noticed years ago.. which a “friend” would be like «But.. aren’t you a Pokemon/zelda fan?? » as of which I was like; well erhhh yeah but-.. 🤷🏽‍♀️
[Which i’m just now realizing this doesn’t invalidate my love for any of thoses two games whatsoever. you don’t need to always be obsessing about it for your love to “matter”]


5- Sometimes.. watching someone else play is better
Horror genre falls in this alot, as we probably all know. But I just love watching people play in general; I used to sit beside my uncle when I was young and just.. watch him play. Games that I don’t even care about or don’t even wanna play xd

The one I remember alot is Diablo or a spaceship one that I have no idea how that’s called.. When I was in college I was also “spying” on my friend in my course playing World of Warcraft — and all of thoses are games that I wouldn’t even touch by myself given the chance, not that they are bad but you know, not my type.


I was actually only having #1 in mind when I started writting this post, ahah wow that adds up quick 😂 I might think of something else by the time this comes live.. *aherm* 
Of course I also do some common stuff like screaming and swearing at whatever i’m playing too ahaha but that doesn’t get to make the lists~

Do you do any of thoses 5 things while gaming like me?
What are some of your wierder habits?  

8 thoughts on “My “wierder” gaming habits 🎮

  1. So my partner watches Twitch A LOT! Sada and Summit are the two he watches the most of so it’s weird when I have more than 2 days go past without hearing their voices. But otherwise I’m not really into watching others play for any length of time. BUT I am I total guilty party for getting half way to 3/4 of the way through a game and then restarting it HAHAHAHAHA I’ve done this so much I have no idea!

    1. Ahaha yess !! nice to know i’m not the only one on that party 😂
      Oh man I used to watch so many youtubers.. I completely stopped though xd

  2. I’m totally guilty of only playing one game at a time. I can’t handle too much at once because I’m so naturally bad at videogames lol, so, I take my time with whatever one I am playing!

  3. I’ll go 6 months and not have any interest in the new games I bought. then I’ll have 6 months of interest rinse and repeat. I wanted to play Assassin’s Creed Odyssey so badly…and I’ve played maybe an hour in it months ago.

    1. OOf- yep, kind of sounds like me too ahah when I bought Shield I actually didn’t planned to play it right away .. and then I started for a trade that never happens (as im too cheap to buy the nintendo online thing) aaand I kept playing xD

    1. Ah, from just seeing it I don’t think I ever watched her – isn’t it so nice to love a youtuber so much you’d watch ANYTHING from them?

      One of my favorite from France did a lets play of Bioshock (literally had to google videogame bug daddy 😂😂 had a blank) and although I didn’t knew or care for that game at all I watched all of it anyway hahah

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