NetGalley Tag

NetGalley Tag

Heey there !!

Time for our favorite moment; another tag !! I crossed this one on Krutula @ ruthsic’s blog and thought it was just perfect as I recently had a NetGalley requests binge *aherm*

So let’s do this, shall we ?


¬ Link back to the tag’s creator: Kourtni at Kourtni Reads.

¬ Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.

¬ Answer the questions the best you can. If you don’t use NetGalley, you can substitute other sites or places where you get books!

¬ Tag a few people to do this too!


AUTO-APPROVED: Who’s one author whose books you automatically want to read, regardless of what they are about?

For years since I discoved one of his book in french class, it has been Guillaume Musso; A French writer of thrillers. Even now that I slacked a bit upon reading his work, I just cannot pass buying his book whenever I cross path with one. Instant buy from me if I don’t own it already.


REQUEST: What makes you want to request a book on NetGalley?

First, I look at the title and/or cover. If one of the two cought my eyes, I will investigate furter to the description and genre of the book. If all seems interresting, or I heard good things, I’ll ask for it.


FEEDBACK RATIO: Do you review every book you read? If not, how do you decide what books to review?

I honestly try to ; Only one I haven’t reviewed on my blog was such a good girl by Amanda K Morgan. I just … didn’t knew what to say about it ! In that case, a review is sounding kind of meh if you have nothing to say, doesn’t it ? Plus, I couldn’t get myself to settle on a star rating.


BADGES: If you could create one badge to display on your blog, what would it be for?

eeeeh – that’s a good question. Maybe something for being a blogger for more than a year  ? (which, Not yet for my WP) I somehow am struggling to see ahead of me, even in terms of months .. I’d really like to be able to stay consistant and celebrate this blog’s 2+ years !! That’s be crazy.. and such an accomplishment.


WISH FOR IT: What’s one book that you are absolutely dying to read?

Oh my, So many on my list .. It’s not a new one per say, but as I still don’t own it, i’ll go with Eliza and her monsters !!


2017 NETGALLEY CHALLENGE: What was the last book that you received as an ARC that you reviewed? If you’ve never received an ARC, what’s the last book you reviewed?

The art of french kissing, by Brianna r Shrum – Now onto another one I got as an Open read off NetGalley, which is a collection of short stories about paranormal stuff !


As always, I tag everyone that wanna do it ! 🌟

13 thoughts on “NetGalley Tag

  1. Lovely answers! It made me smile to see Musso on here 🙂 I only read… one book from him, I think (Parce Que Je t’aime, is that a book title? I think that was this one? haha) and I remember really enjoying it 🙂
    YAY for Eliza and Her Monsters, I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH, I hope you’ll be able to read it soon 😀

    1. Yep, it is!
      First one I read was « je reviendrait te chercher » ithink…

      YESS im just hoping to find a paperback 😪 though I guess id need to settle for the hardback..

  2. Hello ,

    I saw your tweet about animals and thought I will check your website. I like it!

    I love pets. I have two beautiful thai cats called Tammy(female) and Yommo(male). Yommo is 1 year older than Tommy. He acts like a bigger brother for her. 🙂
    I have even created an Instagram account for them ( ) and probably soon they will have more followers than me (kinda funny).

    I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂

    Keep up the good work on your blog.


  3. I try to review all the books I read, too, but sometimes I have nothing coherent to say, so writing a review wouldn’t even be that helpful. xD I TOTALLY recommend Eliza and Her Monsters. It’s so good and super cute; you’ll love it! ♥

    – Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  4. OK I look at the cover first then the blurb and finally the author 😉

    1. I never pay attention to the author, honestly xD unless its a know book by whoever and EVERYBODY talk about it .. i mostly go with title/cover and blurb

  5. Pingback: The NetGalley Tag

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