October’s Book Haul

October’s Book Haul

Hello everyone!

It has been a while since I splurged in some books, and never that many .. To be fair though, I used to go to my local bookstore maybe once every few weeks/months – so i guess it’s only fair game since I haven’t went in so long 😅

Last time we went was in June; 5books, a bujo & a phonecase — this time, I ended up picking up 6 books after quite a productive day of getting my flu shot and done some errands that I needed to do (like buying my 10th pair of work shoes since I started 🤦🏽‍♀️)


My stack of recently acquired books! along with my Starbucks drink, a venti very berry hibiscus.



The first book I took has been “Anxious People”; I’ve seen a few people being excited about this one around the blogosphere.. and while working the drive-thru I saw a woman that had it on her passenger seat, which kind of make me want it 🙊



Next, we progressed to the French section as per my usual “route”. One of the showcased book on the end of the rows has been a Guillaume Musso’s I haven’t read yet (I used to buy every. one. I could grab my hands on); I then picked a book with a pretty cover that looked interresting, about four different people stopping a girl from jumping off the bridge at the same time, without knowing each other.. being permanantly linked together after that event.

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Moving to the english YA section, while it wasn’t there the last time I went, I finally found Geekerella !! The first three novels of the serie was there, but I opted to only take this one.. as the other two weren’t particularly tugging at me right now.



While it was supposed to be my last one, I took one that I saw too late last time and that I wanted to take but didn’t — “What I like about you”… and then while on my way out I saw “The Code for love and heartbreak” and legit squeeled but walked away. Mom isn’t really good in NOT supporting me in my obsessions 😂 and so she encouraged me to take one «final last one» as I don’t treat myself much.. (yes, I still need her approbation with my money.. although I do have more than the means to. Thanks, anxiety)

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This is what my wanting-to-read shelf looked like after adding thoses five to it (Geekerella went elsewhere as I had already read it via Libby in audiobook)

..I really need to knock some off again, as I don’t really has space anymore! 😅



Have you read any of thoses, did you liked them?
What was your recent boughts? 

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