Owner & pets look alike?

Owner & pets look alike?

They say that you pick up the habits of someone else by passing a LOT of time with the same person — but what if the “someone” that you spend all your time with are animals?

They also say that often pets will happen to be like their owners; what if it was a vice-versa situation here?


It’s a no brainer that I’ve changed a bit since owning dachshunds.. thoses little things are NOTHING like other breeds- often even making people wanting to stick to this breed from now on and never get anything else!

The second thing that usually happens when owning dachshunds.. you get certified «Crazy Dachshund Person» 😅  While crossing items or even anything that have a dachshund-looking pattern/shape you just HAS to have it. I can’t tell you how many times i’ve SCREAMED while spotting a dachshund-something in stores..

Something else that i’ve noticed, and that’s the wierdest part here, is that I really did picked up some “dachshund traits” ..


  • Snorkling; when a doxie burrows under the blankets.. with the nose popping out of it 😅  it’s mainly when I take a nap on the lazyboy/couch – I put the blanket over my head with a hole around my nose to breathe better..
  • Wierd sleeping positions; Okay, this as a whole is not new. But I got new positions; i’m always in a ” Γ ” shape, for whatever reason.. I also love to sleep with both arms spread in front of me 😂
  • Prefer it’s own breed’s company; I’m not crazy enough to think i’m a dog.. because well of course i’m not. BUT I do feel a strong connexion to that breed in specific. It’s MY breed. Not to say that I don’t like other breeds of dogs too, but I have a very specific reaction to see fellow wieners anywhere; which is screaming.. and getting major excited.
  • Doxie-piling; The thing with this breed is they are constantly sleeping/laying on top of each other.. and I do that too where I mostly always take them as pillows, sleeping all jammed up together (one of the reason why I sleep bended..)


As for my two, they do have some of my personality traits aswell. Mother always point out how they are absolutely my dogs as we are the same 😂



Although they have different energy levels; Kafei being a lazy butt like me, and Sheik is just un-stoppable and way over-energetic than we are. I also have an anxious and over-sentimental dog.. which *may* have been part of my fault as I was in such a bad depressive state when I got him that I was always clinging to him; though getting them definately saved my life to keep holding on through it.



Do you and your pets share some traits?
What animal(s)/dog breed(s) do you have?

2 thoughts on “Owner & pets look alike?

  1. Such a cute post! ❤ 🐶 ❤

    I 100% agree that dogs and their owners pick up traits from each other. My Treeing Walker, Pete, has the same “sleep anywhere, at anytime” ability as my husband. Pete also loves looking out the window and watching the birds, like me when I read!

    I also 100% agree that when you find a breed that works for you….that’s your breed and you seek ’em out! For us, its scent hound dogs. We love their personalities, their big floppy ears, their big snoots!

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