Good morning! Although I still don’t know what I wanna do in terms of challenges, or basically anything 😅, for 2022 yet- I know what I don’t want! Habit trackers are taking a go for me! Related; Bullet Journaling with anxiety I’ve talked about how the first format ….
Good morning! It isn’t quite mid-month yet, but ithink i’m ready to go over my reading challenges of 2021 and compile the results! At most, i’d only add 2 or 3 books that I finish this month- so that’s not too too bad. I had only partake in three challenges this year, ….
Heey! I don’t know if i’m alone on this.. but whenever I do read a book that have dogs in them, I pay close attention to how they’ve been written and included in the story. Are they used as a “props” and just mentioned here and there and not really ….
Good morning! I finally decided to pick this one up 😅 after all the positives i’ve heard from it- ofcourse now I wonder why I didn’t picked it up sooner !! *Swooning Goodreads page 5 / 5 stars I feared I wasn’t gonna like it when I started.. but this is ….
Hello my people 💕 It had been a while sine I overshared with you guys, as I actually haven’t done one at all in November. So get something to drink, and let’s chat! 😊 * This is my version of the meme “Sunday’s Post” going around the blogosphere (without ….
Heey! 👋🏽 Having been a reader for all my life, there is some books that I remember reading in high school from the library.. but can’t remember the name of them for the life of me! Meanwhile, ironically enough, I can’t remember what’s the story of some older books i’ve ….
Helloo! Here we are for our monthly check-out of the month.. Can’t believe we’re already onto the last month of 2021, which is also my birthday month, where has the time gone 😬 November’s feels; The first two weeks remained to be obnoxiously busy at work.. the biggest one being ….
Good morning everyone! You know how I feel about too many memes in a row.. But upon seeing the prompt, I knew I just had to do it and share them ~again~ 😘 There’s a few that I have told many times already, so they might sounds familiar to you. Please ….
Good morning! I see thoses types of recs all the time, although it’s quite hard for me to pair things together as similar — But it did streaked me after reading the Second book how similar thoses two Au-pairs Thrillers were! If&Then Thursdays is a book meme created by ….
‘Morning! Back in July, I’ve shared Steam games I couldn’t wait for release– To the rescue being one of them! I’m happy to report that it has been released earlier this month 😄, I’ve currently clocked a 12.4hrs in the game after buying it 2days prior.. and I’ve just finished ….