Good Morning! I finally finished my first book of the month – of course, instead of picking within my physical collection, or my two arcs, I decided to loan a book from Libby 😅 I think this book is my first Sarah Dessen book i’ve read so far. Goodread’s Page ….
Good Morning! Yep, lots of mental health posts lately! Sorry about that 😅 I’ve recently went back to using “Facebook Meeting” (instead of tinder) again to talk to people and possibly gain a few friends (maybe even more, who knows); thus this question plopping in my mind! I’m not one ….
Good morning! I’m a tiny bit late here, but I thought this was quite a nice prompt and decided to join in on the fun aswell! I was curious to see how much “one word” book title I had… which turned out way more difficult than expected. Top Ten ….
Good morning! I don’t usually do posts like this, but as you could’ve seen on my February’s Bujo & I also tweeted it on the 24th right after buying it — I treated myself to a new shelf! I only had been saying I wanted to buy a new one for ….
Good morning! As i’m now in the middle of taking my driving class, I thought this would be a great opportunity to share my experience about it, and how my anxiety in the early years affected that. Side note; I seems to mostly get Mental Health posts ideas lately.. and ….
Good Morning, guys! Finally, February has came to an end too – although it was the shortest month of the year, it was all sort of mess for me personally xD As I’ve ended up being sick for like half of the month.. just starting to feel better since this ….
There’s two kind of anxiety/depression; The one that comes from inside, so your body not doing the chemicals needed in your brain itself, and the one that come from outside, meaning due to a certain circumstance or event(s). We all know that there’s people that might outgrow anti-depressants, or even ….
Good Morning! Time for another review, This one has been on my tbr for a fairly long time, I think.. and I finally picked it up and finished it! 😄 If my memory serves my correctly, I think I got this book upon Sophie @ Beware of the Reader‘s recommendation… I’m ….
Good Morning, Yet again, after finishing “Very Nearly Normal” and seeing Effie get her life back and shape it how she’d would’ve wanted all theses years really put it into perspective and kind of.. gave me the push I needed to think about doing the same aswell.. Related; My Resolutions ….
Heey! So, I thought of a new installment for this serie of posts. In case you missed the others, here’s the recaps; Stats / Content Wise / Posts Paranoïa We all know that comparing ourselves to others is never the solution.. but we also know how hard this can be. ….