Planning a vacation while Blogging/Reading ☀️

Planning a vacation while Blogging/Reading ☀️

Hey, good morning!

So it’s finally time to publish this post.. In exactly a month from now i’ll be with Alex’s family for our “little” week vacation ! (though we leave on the 13th of July, until the 21st at 5am we will be taking the plane to get back home.

This trip will be many firsts for me; first “big” trip (both in term of how long we stay and in term of how much time it takes to reach our destination), first plane ride, first real vacation with him, first time meeting his family ..


This means it’s also my first time having a real vacation since i’ve been blogging ! I did went back home (3hours away) before, but something like a day or a weekend only – not further away and certainly not for a whole week ! Now what?



  • I am currently a week ahead on my posting ! I am indeed writting this post on June 9th, so hopefully I shall have all my posts ready for my three posting days in the week i’d be gone. (Sunday 14th, Monday 15th and Thursday 18th)
  • Of course i’ll still be available to reply and bloghop; however not as frequently as im gonna spend time with Alex and his family aswell as visiting this new province for me.
  • I shall get a few minutes atleast to reply to my comments and maybe return them at the end of my day, plus the 4ish hour of bus ride to bloghop and leave some comments — possibly return all my week’s comment on my way back if needed.
  • I can also possibly do a post once I’d have returned about my trip if you guys would be interested ? Let me know ! 



  • Apart of my deadline for a Netgalley title “Please send help” on July 16th .. I don’t really know what books I wanna bring with me !
  • Most probably my only possible reading time would be the ride to and back – possibly before falling asleep if I read an Ebook; as Alex sleeps kinda hard and it don’t need me to open the light xD
  • Using Libby/Wattpad would definately works better than paper-wise; Allowing me to bring more with me in less space AND maybe read in the middle of the night.



Do you have any tips for me; either for the plane or blogging/reading?
As I still don’t know what books I wanna bring, feel free to rec me some! 😘

17 thoughts on “Planning a vacation while Blogging/Reading ☀️

  1. Well, I’m suggesting you listen to audiobooks while on the plane. My best suggestions are Sadie, The Illuminae Files, and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Have fun on your vacation!

  2. Ah I hope your vacation is wonderful! And yea physical books are great bit a bit of a pain to tote around with while traveling depending on how many you take lol, I hope you get a little reading time in on your travels but again, just hope your vacation goes wonderfully!

    1. Thank you! I’ll try my best- possibly the best time to finally try audiobooks eh! Hahaha

  3. Yes! Definitely, do a post about your trip! I love hearing about traveling and what people did while abroad.

    1. Well I *wouldnt* really call that abroad as I still remains in canada 😂 hahah but good to know it sparks interests!

  4. No tips for the plane because I hate flying, but scheduling ahead is your friend (or be me give up and call hiatus whatever works) I hope you have a fun trip!

    1. ahaha that works too 😂 however i’m mad crazy about NOT letting any post go flat so erm .. I don’t know about that. I had like 7posts in advance once last week, but erhm … im now down at 3 ;-; missing one post I have no idea and my bujo one for June. considering it’s only 3 posts and #BookEndingSpring where we have prompts… I should be good,right?

    1. Thank you! xx
      Yep, i agree. Though I don’t own a kindle and went for the ipad instead – but I have the app. However I somehow never buy anything on it 🤷🏽‍♀️

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