Pumpkin spice everything ..! 🍂

Good morning y’all,

Let’s have a little chat today – I’m sorry, my posts imagination hasn’t came back for war, apparently, and i’ve also been doing long stretches of working. In fact, today is my only day off of the week (I had saturday too, but then I switched it to cover one of my mates’ shift so she could replace my sunday so we could both go to an event we wanted to attend).


Yes, you read that right ! We have officially slipped into the fabulous world of pumpkin spice – which makes me extra happier (unlike my coworkers, ahaha!) that autumn is FINALY upon us 👏🏼 Because Starbucks wanted to start them on August 28th, We (and Tim Hortons too, apparently) had to jump on the band wagon aswell; we have the classic Pumpkin spice Latte, aswell as the ice latte version, and an ice coffee pumpkin spice.

We pushed it further this year by having a Caramel Tea Latte – which is basically a caramel chai latte, and some coffee beans of pumpkin spice !!!  But the regular flavored coffee actually taste more like water and isn’t actually good 😂 We also have a pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffin with a chunk of cream cheese inside (my personal fave!) and a pumpkin cookie. It’s kinda funny to watch the two kinds of customers – the ones exited and LOVING it like me, or the one that just “errrgh,…” and choose something else ahah!


For what i’ve been watching, I’m currently watching a “Silent Hill; Homecoming” let’s play on youtube — starting on the spookiness !! I’ll most probably start back my Netflix subscription sometime next month, I just can’t wait for October to roll so we’d have a new season of “Seven Deadly Sins” & “My Hero Academia” !!!


Nothing spooky for what i’ve been playing lately .. BUT!! Sims 4 will drop another expansion that we can now use magic !! “Realm of Magic” comes out on September 10th and boy – I am SO READY for this 😍 I hope we’ll be able to do the alchemy skill again, Sims 3; Supernatural has been my personal favorite of the franchise. (Now we just need warewolf & fairies again ..)


I’m not sure if I wanna try out some horror reads again this year… I might just stick to my mysteries/thrillers with how it was such a fail last year. Maybe suggest me your favorite horror books and I can try to see if I can loan them from my library on Libby?


What’s been going on for you lately?
Anything interesting you’ve been reading/playing or watching? 


  1. I dont have fall in my country so I am vicariously living fall through others’ tumblr and instagram posts lol! I am also watching Gilmore Girls and enjoying it!

    1. Autumn is honestly my favorite season! So sad that you’d never got to enjoy it 😪 Maybe someday you could travel to see one xx

      Oooh! It came back on our tv aswell! Though I never actively watched it, I saw a few episodes here and there so far – ahah

  2. YUUUUUUSSSS!! I am too excited for the Sims expansion pack!! I want to cast spells and make potions!! 😂
    We don’t really get pumpkin spice here as it’s not pumpkin season (because it’s spring in Aus) so I don’t really understand the fuss of what it’s all about!!

    1. SAME!!! It can’t get here soon enough!! also- it can be my “reward” for working so much lately, hah 😉
      aw, right – timezone differences xD ahaha, do you guys get it within your fall season though? or like, that’s not a thing at all ?

  3. I’m so far behind in my Sims playing 😭 WEREWOLVES AND FAERIES!!!! I love the vampires and mermaids but I do miss my other supernatural creatures. I think I’m definitely going to watch Pet Semetary in October – I’m really hyped for that movie and it’s the perfect month to watch it 😁

    1. Yeah.. I loved the different wings fairies had, and I loved how warewolf could just go and find things at night! but most of all I loved the alchemy skill the most (though I didn’t really levelled up at the highest rank of witchery ithink..) ; The way they are started, they’ll probably launch them once at a time with some more stuff xD like how vampire, mermaid & aliens was.. I’d still buy them all *aherm* I have a sims problem ahaha
      it is !! I didn’t read the book and ithink my boyfriend was kinda effy about it 🤔 But if I do have the chance, i’d go for sure

  4. Happy Fall! I mean it’s still over a hundred degrees here but I’m already counting down the days until Halloween 🙂
    If you’re looking for horror This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers is one of my favorites I hope to reread it this year!

    1. Yikes 😂 it got down to ~60F so it’s not so bad now..
      Ah I haven’t heard of this one! I’d need to check it out, thank you!

  5. I probably buy into every stereotype of a “White-California-Girl” by saying this, but I truly am happy that the Pumpkin Spice season has arrived! Haha! I simply love the scent of pumpkin spice candles, lotions, soaps, etc. and the lattes are always spectacular! All I’m hoping for is the weather to start cooling down. Walking around campus in 100 degrees F. isn’t the most pleasant experience. Hmm, I’m not a huge horror book fan, but I did love Dracula by Bram Stoker when I read it last year!

    Lovely post! <3

    1. Thank you ❤️
      Yesss im the happiest too! The pumpkin waffles/whatever else pumpkin scents are my favorite from bath &body works 🙈 I used to stock on them ahaha – but I use a better unscented cream now and I literally don’t light my candles xd only smell it … so eh, yeh. 😂

      Lucky for us it got down to 60s! Still kinda warm, but not « im suffocating by heat » kind of warm so.. im good with that!

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