Wierd interactions from working in a coffee shop

Wierd interactions from working in a coffee shop


The awful/wierder customer stories is always one of my favorite; in any form. Tiktok, blogposts, speaking with someone.. thoses are my favorite to tell and listen to, any day of the week! If you work in a similar service industry, you know 😅


Disclaimer: I absolutely LOVE my job, and most of our customers are thanksfully adorable and nice- however.. there are just some that don’t really make sense. I still have some really good stories I talk about all the time about my SexShop days.. and I have more everyday working at the coffee shop.

Note that all of thoses had actually happened to me, or to a coworker of mine. 



Customer; Hello! I’d like a medium cappuccino please.
Me; okay, medium cappuccino, sure.
Customer; one cream one sugar, please.
Me; (??) eh- you want a cappuccino or a coffee?
Customer; cappuccino.
Me; you know thoses are made with milk right?

Cappuccinos are espresso & foam – while it’s not unusual to have people ask for sugar or honey; even for shot of flavor in them.. it’s quite unusual for us to get cream put into it. Usually you’d simply have it made more “wet”, meaning having a bit more steamed milk in the foam. 


*Order come up in the drive thru, they had asked for a almond milk pumpkin spice latte.. but within the rush, I got confused and put oat milk instead*

Coworker; Oh- *turns to me* it was almond milk- not oat.
Me in the background; arhh darn- my bad 🤦🏽‍♀️ *head to remake it, quickly*
Customer; wait- you made it with oat? That might be fine..  does it have nuts in the oat milk?
Different coworker; Eeh, not that we know of- *snatch the bottle to show her*

Customer ended up taking the drink with the oat milk, no problem.. we were just left looking at each other so confused.. as she had asked for ALMOND milk ?? which is a kind of nuts?? 🤔


Customer; Hey, can I have a medium coffee. Double Double but lactose free milk.
Coworker; what? *couldnt hear over loud noise in the mic*
Customer; *sigh, little rude* A medium double double. two cream two sugars, but lactose free milk instead.
*Customers come to the window, coworker open the window*
Coworker; Hi! A medium coffee. two lactose free, two sugars right?
*Customer look at her and drive off*

This one made my coworker so mad.. as it can be hard to hear in the mic sometimes, or even with rushes, it is good practice to confirm the order. I was just laughing in the background.. it was rude of her, but also who orders a coffee like that? 


Customer; A grande ice coffee, with a shot of vanilla & lactose free milk please!
Coworker; Okay.. A medium cold brew with a shot of vanilla & lactose free milk?
Customer; No! Grande! A large ice coffee with a shot of vanilla and lactose free milk.
*Customer finally comes up to the window, coworker confirms order with him*
Customer; I don’t need flash brew, I want a ice coffee!

this one.. not only don’t we have regular small/medium/large and he said a starbuck mesure.. Grande IS a medium, their large being a venti.🤭 Second; though iknow it is made *slightly differently*.. this is all we have. saying flash brew or cold brew or even ice coffee is all the same to us, as we have nothing else of the sort. 



That’s is for this time! Ofcourse I have way more.. but that’s what I could think of for now ahah — Not to mention thoses times someone confused me by odering a “ice coffee latte”, prompting them to ask which of the two they needed.. or just WAY off and saying the name all wrong in all kind of way.


What’s your best wierder interactions?

4 thoughts on “Wierd interactions from working in a coffee shop

    1. Ohhh yeah xD some are a mouthful.. we have one regular that comes everyday that orders a « large vanilla bean 1/2sweet decaf non-fat latte », which recently added a « sugar free vanilla » to it too! 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ we just know, yeahyeah come up ahah

  1. Ok, so you’re a rock star as far as I’m concerned. I’ve had a lot of wild jobs. I was in charge of a Pre-K to 5th grade summer camp that ran 60+ hours a week. I’ve roofed houses and hung awnings as homeowners have sat in a chair in their yard, watched me work, and told me what I was doing wrong/needed to do to do it right. I’ve insulated an attic on a 90+ degree day where it felt like it was easily 110 degrees in the attic. Presently I’m a teacher during the pandemic. But I’ve never done anything remotely as hard as being a barista! I worked at Starbucks…for eleven days. It was too much!!! I had to quit!!! And I still feel bad about it because a woman had just been promoted to manager and I was her first hire :/. But it was BRUTAL. How do you even do this kind of work?!!? Anyone who is a barista is made of far braver, stronger stuff than I am and you have my utmost respect. GO YOU.

    1. Well thank you 😅 people can be the hardest thing to deal with indeed..
      though on the opposite- I can’t work in the heat.. I would pass out and die soo 😬

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