Randomizing my TBR #16 | June 10, ’24

Randomizing my TBR #16 | June 10, ’24


We are here again trying to shrink the TBR, with the numbers fluctuating between each posts because ofcourse I add things to it on the way ahah 🙈 trying to have a bit of control over it, usually removing the oldest ones I don’t remember.


This TBR game/whatever you wanna call it – is entirely my own idea (though the concept of TBR games are not original). You are more than welcome to do it yourself, but I would like credit; @DBsguidetothegalaxy.

  • The Steps; Go to your want-to-read shelf. Click to show 10 books (for Goodreads, that’s down at the bottom).Also on Goodreads, click to sort the books by random.
    Now you have 10 random books!Decide what to do with them – remove, read right now, or just… leave it on the tbr shelf lol. What I did which isn’t very smart, lol, is create two additional tbr shelves.

So, because I use Storygraph, mine will be done a bit different.. as it doesn’t allow me to randomize 10 books just yet. So today’s mood will be “tense”,fiction”, and I choosed to be shown “pub date: earliest first”. I will then proceed to take the first 10 it gives me.


Virtual wanna read shelf before altercations; 1219 books.


The books i’ve gotten today;

  • The Accident, C.L. Taylor [SG]
  • I was a teenage Ghost Hunter, Brian K. Henry [SG]
  • Alive, Chandler Baker [SG]
  • Survive the night, Danielle Vega [SG]
  • The dead House, Dawn Kurtagich [SG]
  • The other side of Midnight, Simone St. James [SG]
  • 13 minutes, Sarah Pinborough [SG]
  • I’m thinking of ending things, Iain Reid [SG]
  • The couple next door, Shari Lapena [SG]
  • The women in the walls, Amy Lukavics [SG]



Teenage Ghost Hunter, other side of midnight, 13 minutes


The accident, Alive, Survive the night, dead house, thinking of ending things, couple next door, women in the walls


Virtual wanna read shelf after altercations; 1212 books!

Every time it seems to be harder for me to tell if we saw the book the weeks/months prior 😆



Have you read any of those?

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